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Banner Manager plugin

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Since I'm looking for a decent bannermanagement plugin and there isn't available (except other scripts like PHPNewAds etc) I think I will hire a programmer to make one for me. To get some of the costs of the development I think I will try to sell this plugin as a premium plugin for 25 Euro.

This plugin will make it possible to upload a jpg/gif/swf banner, generate the code, view the views/clicks stats and set the maximum amount of views or clicks to a maximum or to unlimited.

Would anyone be interested in buying such a plugin?
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
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There have been many requests for such a plugin, so I expect you would get at least a few buyers.

What I do not understand however is that PHPAdsNew is such a robust system and can be used within your GL theme very easily, why not just use it?

Just curious?

Also have you ever tried www.adbrite.com ?

I have made some good cash with them too.


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Most people find PHPAdsNew a bit too complex, so I want a banner manager that has just what I need and nothing more.

I know Adbrite, I use some similar dutch affiliate programs (testnet.nl and mbuyu.nl) and Google Adsense of course.
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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So, phpAdsNew is a decent and robust system but there's no plug-in or bridge for it and Geeklog? Would be nice if there were something so that people who'd like to participate in posting ads could do so via their Geeklog log-in....

Any other Banner or Classified Ads plug-ins available?

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What plugin or integration would be required?

PhpAdsNew will generate the HTML snippet that you would paste into your site header or block.
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Quote by Blaine: What plugin or integration would be required?

PhpAdsNew will generate the HTML snippet that you would paste into your site header or block.

Exactly ..... I do not see what else is required. PHPADSNEW is made to work within pretty much any environment or CMS.

Am I missing something because I do not see why it would need to integrate with GL anymore than it does?

Do you want some help putting the code into your theme??

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Maybe some of you aren't thinking outside the box enough....(it happens...even to the best of "programmers")

The integration *I* am referring to is if I have a user who wants to create a banner ad for addition into my banner ad system, it would be nice to have a plug-in/tie-in with the database where it would take him/her to their admin portion of their phpadsnew account.

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phpAdsNew already support a direct login into phpAdsNew. The function that you would use is called "Add new publisher" in '/admin/affiliate-edit.php' of phpAdsNew.


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Quote by ByteEnable: phpAdsNew already support a direct login into phpAdsNew. The function that you would use is called "Add new publisher" in '/admin/affiliate-edit.php' of phpAdsNew.


I am not understanding what you are saying, so I will ask....

You are saying the following?

1. phpAdsNew, when installed, can be bridged into Geeklog right "out of the box"?

2. When phpAdsNew is installed and working, your Geeklog users' log-in will work for the phpAdsNew log in if they want to be someone who wants to put ads on your GeekLog site?

3. So this would mean after logging into Geeklog, they can go into their phpAdsNew client log-in with no problems and no extra modifications by the webmaster?

Thank you in advance for your (or anyone's) reply....

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I am not understanding what you are saying, so I will ask....

You are saying the following?

1. phpAdsNew, when installed, can be bridged into Geeklog right "out of the box"?

There is no bridge. They are two totally seperate programs.

2. When phpAdsNew is installed and working, your Geeklog users' log-in will work for the phpAdsNew log in if they want to be someone who wants to put ads on your GeekLog site?

You have to give a specific and seperate login/password in phpAdsNew. However, if you know the login/password of the geeklog user, you could create a phpAdsNew account with that information.

These two programs are so different, and aimed at different users. phpAdsNew is not just a banner management program, but a full flegded publisher/advertiser program.

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That's why I want a simple GL banner manager plugin, but it will only be managed by the Root/Admin.
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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Quote by ByteEnable:There is no bridge. They are two totally seperate programs.

You have to give a specific and seperate login/password in phpAdsNew. However, if you know the login/password of the geeklog user, you could create a phpAdsNew account with that information.

Which is exactly why I asked what I was asking...hope that helps clarify.

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Quote by beewee: Since I'm looking for a decent bannermanagement plugin and there isn't available (except other scripts like PHPNewAds etc) I think I will hire a programmer to make one for me. To get some of the costs of the development I think I will try to sell this plugin as a premium plugin for 25 Euro.

So this means I'll pay my delevoper to make a GL banner manager plugin for me, not a bridge to PHPAdsNew, no plugin version of PHPAdsNew or whatsover, just a brand new plugin. PHPAdsNew is a great aplication, but not foolproof (and no lost-password option). The development will cost me about € 200. If you want it too, you can buy it from me for € 25.
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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beewee any update on the progress of your plugin?
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Progress is none since nearly nobody is interested....guess we'll have to keep on using PHPAdsNew...

If you just want to rotate some banners in a block you can try the Logolinks plugin.
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net


phpAdsNew / Openads paypal plugin. I hope this is on topic.... I have seen a lot of people asking for a payment gateway for phpadsnew and there is one available at btdsoft.com . It allows for automated advertiser signup and payments using paypal. The advertiser can upload banners/ or ads as defined by site admin settings. Site admin has ability to sell any number of ad clicks or ad views for price set by admin. With automated publisher signup, it allows for increasing your ad network, and increasing revenues. http://www.btdsoft.com

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