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Static page formatting...how to change?


Where can I go to change the style options for static pages? The font is too small and won't let me underline or bold.

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Registered: 07/13/02
Posts: 57
If it is a simple HTML formatted page, you can define your own style and use it by wrapping your content in a block. E.g.
Text Formatted Code
<div class="mystaticstyle">
More text in <b>bold</b>.
And so on...

Your style could be anything such as:
Text Formatted Code
.mystaticstyle {
   font-size: 125%;
.mystaticstyle h1 {
   font-size: 175%;
.mystaticstyle u {
   color: red;
   font-variant: small-caps;
/* And so on ... /*

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