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geeklog 1.3.11/ gallery-1.5-RC3 issue


I hope someone has had this problem somewhere and found a solution. I just sepnt the better part of a morning scouring google and geeklog/gallery sites to no avail.

GL 1.3.11 is up and running fine for a week now.

I installed gallery-1.5-RC3 today and the install/config went very smooth. I properly defined the path to Geeklog in the "Embedded Gallery" tab of the config process. I also switched on "Disable register_globals check" in the "Technical" tab.

After all this, I can properly see an initial gallery page embedded in my geeklog install by visiting:


everything looks great

My problem is that when logged in as my sites default admin account, clicking "new album" brings me to the following error.

"Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /usr/local/www/foundationsedge.net/www/gallery/classes/User.php on line 210"

of page ...


My only guess is that something is in the wrong place. perhaps because gallery does not like my geeklog config? I did an install where the geeklog files are in a directory OUTSIDE my web root. I know at least one other plugin that I had played with that had an issue with that.

Any ideas, I am desperate to communicate with someone on this.

thanks, Russ

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Registered: 12/17/04
Posts: 340
Have a look at this thread

The problem was caused by a wrong path.

Maybe putting your paths here will shed some more light.

Vanrillaer.com - our Family Portal


Well here is a section from my gallery config.php.

My two directories for geeklog are:

/usr/local/www/foundationsedge.net/www/ (geeklog public files)
/usr/local/www/foundationsedge.net/geeklogconfig/ (geeklog private files)

Text Formatted Code
$gallery->app->galleryTitle = "Foundation Gallery";
$gallery->app->useIcons = "both";
$gallery->app->skinname = "bars002";
$gallery->app->uploadMode = "form";
$gallery->app->albumDir = "/usr/local/www/foundationsedge.net/www/gallery/albums";
$gallery->app->tmpDir = "/tmp";
$gallery->app->photoAlbumURL = "";
$gallery->app->albumDirURL = "";
$gallery->app->movieThumbnail = "/usr/local/www/foundationsedge.net/www/gallery/images/movie.thumb.jpg";
// optional <i>mirrorSites</i> missing
$gallery->app->graphics = "ImageMagick";
// optional <i>pnmDir</i> missing
$gallery->app->pnmtojpeg = "pnmtojpeg";
$gallery->app->pnmcomp = "pnmcomp";
$gallery->app->ImPath = "/usr/local/bin";
$gallery->app->autorotate = "no";
$gallery->app->jpegImageQuality = "90";
$gallery->app->geeklog_dir = "/usr/local/www/foundationsedge.net/www";
$gallery->app->albumTreeDepth = "1000";
$gallery->app->highlight_size = "200";
$gallery->app->showOwners = "no";
$gallery->app->albumsPerPage = "5";
$gallery->app->showSearchEngine = "no";
$gallery->app->slowPhotoCount = "no";
$gallery->app->gallery_thumb_frame_style = "shadows";
$gallery->app->zipinfo = "/usr/local/bin/zipinfo";
$gallery->app->unzip = "/usr/local/bin/unzip";



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Registered: 12/17/04
Posts: 340
One thing I could still think of that was mentioned in an earlier thread is making sure your album directory is writable, but I presume you tested it.
Otherwise just put it on 777 to check.

The other one is the actual IP adress you are providing in your config.php
Are you running it local on port 86 both GL and Gallery and are they both configured with the same IP port combination ?

Best Regards,

Vanrillaer.com - our Family Portal


Quote by knuff: One thing I could still think of that was mentioned in an earlier thread is making sure your album directory is writable, but I presume you tested it.
Otherwise just put it on 777 to check.

yes, the album directory was made 777 correctly, verified.

Quote by knuff:The other one is the actual IP adress you are providing in your config.php
Are you running it local on port 86 both GL and Gallery and are they both configured with the same IP port combination ?

yep, both were set up with the same config. geeklog has been running fine on port 86 since i set it up a week ago. I also specified all gallery urls to include the same port specification as you can see from my above config excerpt.



shameless bump ^_^


Issue is still unresolved as of 4/15/2005, anyone else seen this error occur before. I'm stuck until its resolved. I guess I'll try a fresh install of both geeklog and the galery app.



I am also having this issue. The only difference is that I am using the 1.5 release version of gallery.
Geeklog is 1.3.11.



I wanted to add a bit to this thread. I have since tried installing gallery on my FreeBSD hosted site and it worked without a hitch. The above mentioned error happens on my Debian Linux box.



i had same problem galerry 1.5 + geeklog 1.3.11
and same fatal error but it is on 107 line
so i guess i need to try other galery scripts.


i solved my problem.
in this geeklogdir ... /home/***/public_html

i just add / at the end

so if u enter like this

your problem can be solved. mine is

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