Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 06:15 am EDT

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Block Links do not show up in the page


I have made my own blocks with my own links. When I click on the link, it goes to the link, but its like a new page, it doesnt open in the normal center area of geeklog. Does that make sense? If not, you can see what I mean, http://red-roote.com, click on "Hours" under the 1st block called information.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated, besides changing the theme, this is all I need to figure out! Thanks

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Location:The Netherlands, where else?
The normal links should be like:


for topic related articles or


for static pages (if you don't use the URL rewrite option)

You're linking to non excisting pages which are not part of the system. I suggest you make static pages for the items shown in your menu and then make the appropiate links to them.
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net


Maybe this will help. Heres what I have typed in my block text:

Text Formatted Code
<tr><td width="100%" class="block-info-left">
<a href="http://red-roote.com/hours">Hours</a> <br>


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Beewee is right.

The reason why it opens a new page is because hours.php is not part of Geeklog and what you want to do is create a
static page and link to that.

That way it will be part of GL and have the correct layout and such.

Best Regards,

Vanrillaer.com - our Family Portal

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