Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 12:54 am EDT

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Integrating greeklog with other stuff


I have a pen friend script that I would like to integrate into greeklog, so that when a user registers to greeklog at the same time they also register into the penfriend script.

Is this easy to do?

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Hard to tell without knowing that other script. It might be easy, it might be hard ...

Geeklog (where did that extra 'r' come from? Wink ) makes information on the currently logged-in user available in global variables ($_USER array). So if you need, say, the username, you could refer to $_USER['username'] and use that in the other script. You'd have to include Geeklog's lib-common.php first, which bears the risk of name collission for function names ...

bye, Dirk

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you can also use the externial pages plugin at squatty.com
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