Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, February 08 2025 @ 08:38 pm EST

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Hey guys... I was using phpnuke and I gfot sick of the problems and it being so damn slow..

good work to those that developed this and to the ones that helped!1


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Why not make life easy for your visitor ?


Vanrillaer.com - our Family Portal

BaBlah User

Thanks bud.. 've updated the site too Wink

Blah Blah Blah Blah ... Blah Blah Blah Blah ... Blah Blah Blah Blah ...

BaBlah, Inc.


I like geek log.. i think it's good for search engines... i am getting on msn, yahoo, and google


You are in major copyright violations. You can't just copy and paste copyrighted material onto your website.

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Quote by Copyright: You are in major copyright violations. You can't just copy and paste copyrighted material onto your website.

How do you know he has done this?

I just looked and hey may have written all of the articles I looked at?

Just curious what made you say he was pulling others writing?

Or was it something else you were talking about?

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well.... If you google parts of the texts, you will find everything's original somewhere and you will see that it's just copied and pasted.
look here:
copy and original.

I agree, that this might harm some copyright laws. I don't know if a link back may help
(like "found at zdnet.com" )



No your right.. i wasn't trying to to come off like it was mine... many of the articles has the authors name and some have a "source" link... but then again, some don't either...

I will be starting to put the "source" to each site i copy from. btw, some are mine, but few....


And btw.. I don't think that is copy writing becasue if you google the title subjects.. you see the same article on many sites...

(C) 2005

Quote by BaBLah: And btw.. I don't think that is copy writing becasue if you google the title subjects.. you see the same article on many sites...

Those articles you see on "many" sites are syndicated. Meaning that the publisher has permission from the author to publish the content. For example, if you want to publish a complete Reuters news story, you have to pay Reuters for that privledge. You put yourself into legal jeopardy when you steal content. Under the "fair use" act, you may quote from an article, not steal it.


Thanks for your replies, I really had no idea....

I see on a lot of news sites that some is quoted, would I be able to quote the whole article? if not, how much would i be able to quote?



That depends on the source. Read the policy from where you copy it from.
This is from the zdnet policy:

You may download, reformat and print a limited amount of ZDNet UK's content for your personal, non-commercial use. You may also include excerpts or limited portions of ZDNet UK's information in printed memos, reports and presentations. We only ask that you attribute this information to us by including "Used with permission from CNET Networks UK. Copyright 200__. All rights reserved."


Most of the times this is the case, you can use it but you should put something that it is not yours.
Just like a MIT license really.

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