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GL 1.3.11 with htmlarea 3.0 RC3 install instructions

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Just for your information, I have been using HTMLArea for years without problem. As for file uploading, you need to install the ImageManager plugin. I have mentioned elsewhere before regarding the setup.

Good to know additional choices of HTML editors. If my HTMLArea broke I now have other choices.


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Since you have a such a nice step by step tutorial, I suggest you submit it as a story here on gl.net. I almost missed this thread and I am sure many others missed it as well.
Yes I am mental.

Shock & Awe

I am totally "shocked and awed" by mevans' detailed instructions for integrating SPAW into my 1.3.11 install. Good going, guy! For a senior novice, it took me about 30 minutes to carefully and prudently implement the hack, and the darn thing worked straight off!

Even imports, pastes images, etc., something that seemed to be problematic with some other editors. The only nits that I have noticed are:

- it's slow (on a stand-alone Barton with 1 gig), but roughly on-par with the freebie HtmlArea 3XTD or whatnot that I have on my Mambo 1.5.2 site, which I'm migrating to GL for the commenting. Mambo doesn't have a decent commenting function/plug-in yet, although they are trying and the AKOcomment plug-in works pretty fine (but no comment management capability to speak of).

- for some reason, I don't get the little popups when I mouse-over the various symbols. In time I will get used to not having the fuctions written out for me, but it's just a nt in the overall list of priorities. Anyone got the popups to work?

- SPAW's theme swapping does allow changing from "default" to "classic" theme (I gotta get rid of that Sub-Silver-like set of 3 bars in the "default" theme, though. However, for me, none of the toolbar changes I selected from the various subdirectories seemed to change anything. Perhaps I did something wrong.

Anyway, thanks a lot ... It's a great editor implementation.

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I spoke too soon. The Spaw implementation went flawlessly as I said above, but afterwards the "Reply" button functionality is broken ... just dumps the user (unregistered, registered or admin) back to the front page. Since I set "nested" as the default, it wouldn't be long until the replys started moving off the right side of the page using the normal "reply to this post" underneath the latest comment. So I backed out Spaw and am now looking at alternatives. I may try FCK or HtmlArea, any input on what's easier, foolproof, and works?

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Are you related to Sorenson Squeez? I like the software.

The easiest way is to wait untile 1.3.12 come out, which will come with FCKeditor as an option for advanced text editor that you can simply turn it on in config.php.

If you can't wait just try the CVS.


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Quote by samstone: Are you related to Sorenson Squeez? I like the software.

The easiest way is to wait untile 1.3.12 come out, which will come with FCKeditor as an option for advanced text editor that you can simply turn it on in config.php.

If you can't wait just try the CVS.


Dude, I didn't know there was a CVS for 1.3.12 available! Thanks for the info. Gotta try that badboy out.

Big Celebration

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Two ways to try. One is by going to the CVS repository. Or you can sign up for the nightly tarball. The CVS link is on the left column of this web site, or click here

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Actually, I use TortoiseCVS to retrieve it.

Anyway, I'm glad FCKeditor is finally easy to activate in config.php. Already upgraded the site and the integration looks good. Cool


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I just got done installing SPAW with my 1.3.11 install, no problems. What I want to do now is use it the admin mail part. Any suggestion on where to put the code
Text Formatted Code
Around line 493 add the following 3 lines after: $newintro = str_replace('}','}',$newintro);

$sw = new SPAW_Wysiwyg('introtext',$newintro,'en','full');
$spaw_introtext = $sw->show();

but for the admin/mail.php file?


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I guess most of us have moved to GL 1.4 that comes installed with FCK editor and don't want to bother with trying to install an HTML editor to 1.3.11 anymore.

Why do you want to stay with 1.3.11?


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The site that I am maintaing is for the Crew team at my college and it is very important. I have made alot of little modifications that i havn't kept track of (stupid me) and being a college student I don't have time to fix any major problems that might arise during an upgrade. I will be upgrading during spring break but I have to hobble along right now.


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