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Gallery photos in stories

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Hi All,

I remember a while back I saw a cool hack for using photos from the gallery in a story. I tried to search this forum for it, but there a lot of posts.

Anyone seen this?



Maybe this helps, although needs tweaking to be used with GL 1.3.11
Cheers, Lleo_


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If you use HTMLArea for your story's textarea, it is as simple as cut and paste, and the link is also retained so that you can click on that image and see a larger photo in the gallery.


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Thank you both for your replies.
The HTMLArea sounds a little easier and may work better with 1.3.11.

Has anyone tried HTMLArea with 1.3.11?

Thanks again.

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Hi again,

I was thinking that HTMLArea was a plugin or something. Do you mean just set the text to HTML formatted instead of Plain Old Text?
I have not been able to get any thing to link with those allowed commands.

Could you give me an example of a cut and paste you mean?
If this is a plugin to allow more HTML commands, could you please send me a link to that?

Thanks a lot.

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It's not a plugin. You cand download HTMLArea here.

I use 3.0 beta.

As for how to intall it to work with Geeklog, try a search on this forum. I posted some detail information a while back.


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This all sounds good, but I am a little confused. If I can't use all html tags in a story normally, how is it possible to add them with an editor?

I mean the story is still saved in the same way and place, right?

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HTMLArea is just for you to edit the story easier. It won't overwrite your allowed html tags listed in your config.php. Whatever tag you want to use, you need to set it in the config. You can give the admin more tags to use, if you are the only admin.

The html tags that are not allowed will be automatically stripped away when you save the story.


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Well that sounds like a way better way for me. I can write my own HTML and place that in. I just tried it and some it stays now after I editted th config file.

Why does the content after the img tag dissappear?
I allowed for 'img' and 'src' and tags.
Here is what I place in the text box in the story editor:
Text Formatted Code

<p><a href="http://home2.locke.dk/gallery">
<img border="0" src="http://home2.locke.dk/albums/Inside/P2282705.sized.jpg" width="150" height="112"></a></p>


After a save, this is what is in the text box:

Text Formatted Code
<p><a href="http://home2.locke.dk/gallery">


I tried without the border and width/heght parameters. Same result.

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This is how you set up permission for the img tag:

Text Formatted Code
'img'  => array('height' => 1, 'width' => 1, 'src' => 1, 'alt' => 1, 'hspace' => 1, 'style' => 1, 'align' =>1, 'border' => 1),


Make sure that is only for the admin, for security reason.


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Thank you very much for posting this.
I will try it right away.


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