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Problems with users submitting articles - already checked php.ini
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Registered: 02/10/05
Posts: 7
When a user clicks "Get Published" on my site it takes them to a screen that has a block that says read first with this text in it:
When submitting information for use on this site we ask that you follow the following suggestions...
Fill in all the fields, they're required
Provide complete and accurate information
Double check those URLs
I already searched this issue and found out about the php.ini file needing registar_globals=on to be set. I contacted my host and they said that it is on on my server.
What then could be causing and how do I fix it?
When submitting information for use on this site we ask that you follow the following suggestions...
Fill in all the fields, they're required
Provide complete and accurate information
Double check those URLs
I already searched this issue and found out about the php.ini file needing registar_globals=on to be set. I contacted my host and they said that it is on on my server.
What then could be causing and how do I fix it?
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Registered: 02/10/05
Posts: 7
Well I was hoping to have the rest of the page load up so they could submit an article. What I quote there is the only thing that loads up on the page, nothing else.
Sorry, guess I wasn't very specific on that in the first post.
Sorry, guess I wasn't very specific on that in the first post.
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Registered: 02/10/05
Posts: 7
I was able to fix it. I tried your suggestions to no avail. Took a deeper look into it and this is what I found:
The link for "Get Published" has the target url of:
submit.php looks for topic='' to display the actual submit form. By deleting {current_topic} from the header.thtml file of my theme (XSilver) I was able to get it to work.
Thanks for your help.
The link for "Get Published" has the target url of:
submit.php looks for topic='' to display the actual submit form. By deleting {current_topic} from the header.thtml file of my theme (XSilver) I was able to get it to work.
Thanks for your help.
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its strange why that would make any difference at all unless your lib-common was corrupt in some way around COM_renderMenu.
what was the address of the page that didn't display a form (look in the address bar while on that page)? specifically, what was after type=story.... was there any topic? Without knowing, I suspect that your topic name had some special character in it--but, I dunno.
what was the address of the page that didn't display a form (look in the address bar while on that page)? specifically, what was after type=story.... was there any topic? Without knowing, I suspect that your topic name had some special character in it--but, I dunno.
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