Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 10:58 am EDT

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Removing Images In Stories Bumps Next Image Up To Removed Image Space

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Registered: 01/10/05
Posts: 8
hey all, its a chore editing images that have gone wrong in Geeklog. i'm sure this is a small issue and could possibly be remedied with a small tweak in the code. when an image in a series of images for a story is deleted, eg image #3 of 7 images, the mo you click 'save' image #4 moves up to replace image #3 place so that the eventual image series becomes 6 images numbered #1-#6.

this makes it impossible to replace a single image without having to delete all subsequent images after it and re-loading all of the said images again. either that or, ftp in and replace the offending image individually. is there some way to make it so that Geeklog does not bump up the images automatically?

this really screws up the layout as the [imageX] tags will start referring to the wrong images.

just my two cents. perused the forum and didn't find any post concerning this issue. Shocked

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