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dead project--New Photo Gallery

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Quote by s_witch: Yeah give it a rest people. Anyone familiar with machinari's previous work will know that you'll be getting a quality plugin...AND...if he's said he'll do something...he'll do it.

We are ALL eagerly awaiting a native GL gallery plugin...but hey...give the guy a break...we can't just click our fingers and expect this thing to be produced overnight! Rolling Eyes

You know that Gallery plugs into GL with ease and flawlessly right?

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Have to agry with ScurvyDawg and allthough I think it's a great idea to have a native lite plugin for pictures, I would even like it more if an additional integration with Gallery is done.

Defintly don't want to hijack the thread away from machinari greats initiative, but .. 3 thoughts if I may.

1. Isn't a full blown image plugin not too much for one person, even if talented as machinari. People will want all the same stuff as Gallery, Coppermine, ...

2. Will you consider a migration path to GeekShow, if not I am afraid it will be only for new installs.

3. Why not follow the path of phpbbridge and choose one and fully integrate it, leaving the core image stuff for the third party and focus on the integration. User base, permissions, searchability ...

I really like the idea of a native one, but truely afraid it will be missing the features you are used to with the other ones and migration could become a hassle.

Just my copper.

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Quote by knuff:1. Isn't a full blown image plugin not too much for one person, even if talented as machinari. People will want all the same stuff as Gallery, Coppermine, ...

Have you seen what this guy has done, I wouldn't put much past him.

Quote by knuff:
3. Why not follow the path of phpbbridge and choose one and fully integrate it, leaving the core image stuff for the third party and focus on the integration. User base, permissions, searchability ...

I really like the idea of a native one, but truely afraid it will be missing the features you are used to with the other ones and migration could become a hassle.

I might be wrong here but I think the whole point of this new plugin is that some people don't want or need all the extra features (bloat) of these gallery systems. If they do need all the extra features then Gallery is quite easy to install with GL, and when GL2 becomes more stable, integrating blocks and such to your GL site is about as easy as if it was a native solution.
Yes I am mental.

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You know that Gallery plugs into GL with ease and flawlessly right?

Well actually yes I do. I am very familiar with Gallery and Geeklog in fact. We have using GL and Gallery on several of our sites for some time now. Mr. Green

As I've said earlier in this thread, Gallery is fine for a hobbyist type site with a small number of members. It becomes rather tiresome to manage however, when you get to a decent size (we have over 600 members on one site in particular) because of the way the album properties work in Gallery.

Regards Jill

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I beleve galery is to much of a moving target for geeklog intergration. the bigest problem with most "intergration" plugins is that they are always dreadfuly behind in what version of the program they are intergrating with. Lets face it. open source programs can sometimes be too dificult to keep up with when some one else is doing the dev and you dont have any control over where they are going. Every time they change something the plugin has to change. Some times its better to roll your own than try to constently keep up with some one else's whims. most people just want a catagorized image galery with image submital via que like the filemgnt plugin. this would sufice for most people. just thumbs and a click for full size image, anything else is over kill and too much to maintain. I say just take the filemgnt plugin and tun it into a galery plugin. It dosent look hard and even i could pull it off if need be. The only thing i ask for is if some one does it, make it store images outside of the web root as me and mthomas have done with the filemgnt plugin
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why am I doing this when other galleries options exist and can be integrated with varying degrees of effort?

most plugins are developed to fill a need. In this case, it is simply my need and the needs of my few clients that drives this plugin's development.

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machinari I agree Smile by the way your codeing work is a breath of fresh air so what has become a mostly stagnent plugin dev sceene latley. though i think thats some what due to lack of full plugin API docs ( they need to be better) , but anyways, keep up the good work and dont be afraid to ask for help on stuff.

I am working on a few iteresting plugins my self Wink

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You know I'm a big fan, I haven't been to your site www.alfiegeorge.com in a while but correct me if I'm wrong your don't have a paypal link there do you? Send me your paypal info and I'll gladly contribute to the cause. I think your work is great and speaks for itself. Let me know if you need any Bronco Parts. LOL that I can handle!
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There is a paypal button at summitpages.ca for any who are interested in helping me out..

becareful that you don't break it--it's a bit stiff from lack of use. Laughing

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Quote by machinari:
becareful that you don't break it--it's a bit stiff from lack of use. Laughing

Didn´t look that rusty to me Mr. Green
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FWIW as soon as I get my new books plugin to a point where I'm happy with it, I'll probably dust off my old UPIC code, rip it out of the upage plugin, and make a UPIC plugin. I really want to get gallery off my website but my current UPIC does not have the feature-set to replace it.

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Quote by amckay: FWIW as soon as I get my new books plugin to a point where I'm happy with it, I'll probably dust off my old UPIC code, rip it out of the upage plugin, and make a UPIC plugin. I really want to get gallery off my website but my current UPIC does not have the feature-set to replace it.
thats great!
i've been using the 'upic' portion of this plugin on my site for my "user gallery". added a lil tidbit to the profile-theme to display 5 of the upics (example). also added buttons so ppl could upload directly from their user-profile.
-- destr0yr
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Work has been going well on this plugin.... however, I need to put it down for a bit--duty calls. My apologies to those of you expecting quick results.

I'll post back when I'm in full swing again.

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my client went with Coppermine, rather they decided to stay with Coppermine, so I have little reason to continue working on this. Confused
However, I enjoy the learning curve so I may pick it up again some time later. For now, this project is dead.

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Quote by machinari: oh, and how's this for a name... InMemoriam

Couldn´t resist Mr. Green
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Don't get your hopes up just yet, but... it's ALIVE Shocked
That's right! I've got back on this dead horse and started beating it--so to speak.
similar level access as stories (vinny's suggestion);
media outside the webserver's doc root;

PHP + procrastination = a job well done

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I use the Gallery in a big way on my site.
1. Needs to have a way to convert Gallery to your plug.

2. Permissions per user/group-per - photo/album/sub album.
Also make it were you can save changes to all sub-albums
Able to turn linking on and off. (I prefer on. But most I think well want off)

3. Able to make Sub albums but also a way to have a information block that can read whats new properly.

4. It well be great for sites like mine that give users Albums in the Gallery to customize there space.(No big deal if you don't)

5. I really like to see something that well auto make a album when they have been given a group access. So I don't have to make them every time a user gets to that point I let them have 1. Make sure at first they are the only ones that can see it tell they change the permissions.

6. FTP drop well be great.

7. A way to sort.

8. An Archive option for people that leave the site but you don't want to lose the pics.

9. When someone is deleted, It well delete the album also unless you have Archive on.

10. Something that well tell them they have comments to there pic.
Like a PM.
Use the messenger. But if you want to make it were anyone can use it.
Make a box saying you have new comments.

11. For sites that give user access, a way to add like the lattice pics added to there album in there profile page.
Maybe even show thumbs of the last 4/5 pics.

I can go on.
But I think that get the jest.
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Quote by Mikez: 1. Needs to have a way to convert Gallery to your plug.
I'll deal with that when I'm done
Quote by Mikez:2. Permissions per user/group-per - photo/album/sub album.
Quote by Mikez:Also make it were you can save changes to all sub-albums
good idea--will do
Quote by Mikez:Able to turn linking on and off. (I prefer on. But most I think well want off)
You'll have to explain what "linking" is
Quote by Mikez:3. Able to make Sub albums but also a way to have a information block that can read whats new properly.
you want integration into the "whats new block"?
Quote by Mikez:4. It well be great for sites like mine that give users Albums in the Gallery to customize there space.(No big deal if you don't)
per album themes will be available
Quote by Mikez:
5. I really like to see something that well auto make a album when they have been given a group access. So I don't have to make them every time a user gets to that point I let them have 1. Make sure at first they are the only ones that can see it tell they change the permissions.
Users who are given access (via a group or otherwise) are able to create and edit their own albums. They can also moderate any submissions to their albums if any.
Quote by Mikez:6. FTP drop well be great.
Haven't done it yet, but on the list. You'll ftp your stuff, but you wont see it until the "scan dirs" button is clicked on the album management page--at least that's my plan so far.
Quote by Mikez:7. A way to sort.
sort options are available from the album editor.
Quote by Mikez:8. An Archive option for people that leave the site but you don't want to lose the pics.
I don't agree that this is practical, but if you want to convince me, go for it.
Quote by Mikez:9. When someone is deleted, It will delete the album also unless you have Archive on.
the archive concept notwithstanding, a deleted user's albums will be deleted.
Quote by Mikez:10. Something that well tell them they have comments to there pic.
I haven't begun with the comment engine yet, but will encorporate gl's comment api's. When I get there I'll look at some type of notification--won't be email.
Quote by Mikez:11. For sites that give user access, a way to add like the lattice pics added to there album in there profile page.
I'll add something to the profile page, not sure what yet. maybe just links to latest media uploads or recently modified albums.

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Quote by machinari: [[QUOTE] Quote by Mikez:Able to turn linking on and off. (I prefer on. But most I think well want off)

You'll have to explain what "linking" is[/QUOTE]

Not sure what he means, but it brought bandwidth leeching to my mind.

PHP can't off course prevent people from linking to a picture on your site and using that picture on their pages without consuming any of their own bandwidth, because PHP is not involved in that process.

But for apache, the .htaccess file can (see for instance http://www.simcoweb.com/am/publish/article_7.shtml).

Menalto Gallery writes to the .htaccess file (and puts stuff in there in a cute way), so in principle it should be possible to make the a gallery plugin place those lines in it and stop people from leeching on request from a nice setup page.

And, hey, thanks for working on this!

(Sorry about spelling errors, a very hot Brussels place is cooking my brain into a small, raisin-like, useless thing)


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Quote by Benta:
Not sure what he means, but it brought bandwidth leeching to my mind.

PHP can't off course prevent people from linking to a picture on your site and using that picture on their pages without consuming any of their own bandwidth, because PHP is not involved in that process.

Actually this sortof one of the reasons I put the albums outside the doc root. Images are read into the page via a PHP script (start of solution) and that script requires proper access (user validation or as you say, mod_rewrite in an .htaccess, which is the rest of the solution). This way hotlinking doesn't work.

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