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dead project--New Photo Gallery

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I am terribly dissatisfied with the current options available for photo galleries plugged into Geeklog. So... I'm going to develop a gallery plugin that is truly plugged in to Geeklog from the get go much as the outdated Geekary seemed to be.

My first thought was to plug Coppermine in, but it was a bit heavy for some of my clients. so....

OK, so I don't really have any clients! I gotta sell you somehow Leaves me speechless

My intention is to build two versions: lite--less overhead, simple functions, more intuitive than the usual suspects, simple layout; and a heavy version that will sport much greater functionality having a much thicker back end, more options, as well as layout options.

* There will be no popup windows and no javascript.
* The gallery will recognize FTP uploaded albums as well as those uploaded from within the plugin's upload interface.
* All of the gallery configuration will take place from within the plugin's admin interface--from the directories to the layout and beyond.
* In addition to pics belonging to albums they will also belong to categories and will be viewable from within category pages as well as album pages.
* This gallery will support multimedia: pics, sound, video, etc.--much like Coppermine does. The lite version will support only pics--I'm thinking anyway.
* and more...

This will take me a while, but before I get into it to much please let me know (in this thread) what you might like to see in this Geeklog gallery that you don't get in other galleries or what you would like to see that you do get in other galleries.

I have no name for this gallery so if you would like to suggest one, feel free.


Wonderful idea!

Well, there're a few options that I would like to be present:
Ability to turn off/on voting and comments. (I hate the voting feature so that will be disabled on my site)

Most galleries have the same design, you have the column of thumbs (which is fine) and then when clicking on a pic you get this standard layout (picture, comments and info below, navigation on top). That layout is very boring. Why not put the picture on the left and the info on the right for example. It's not important, but still....

Maybe it's a good idea to have an alternative of showing two versions of the pic? For example: under the thumbs you have an option of viewing the pic in low resolution. This means that the ppl/webmaster have to make two versions/uploads of picture though, maybe too much to ask ?

Good luck

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Another great idea. I have incorpoarted a couple of your other great additions to GL. I have both your daily quote and alfiegeorge theme in effect at my site.

Out of the Darkness. I'll be trying to come up with a cool name for the plugin. In the meantime keep up the outstanding work.

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I'd recommend per image or at least per album level access restrictions. You can do something similar to articles/polls/links with columns: owner, owner_perm, group, group_perm, anonymous.


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Hi Machinari,

I think this is a great idea! I have long dissatisfied with the current choices of photo galleries for use with GL also. Mind you I'd be happy enough if someone integrated Coppermine with GL...no one seems to be at all interested in that...BUT...if you want to go ahead and write a fully fledged GL plugin...I'd say...go for it!!!!
Big Celebration

We're currently using Gallery...a great piece of software in many ways...BUT...it's very annoying to have to set album permissions on an individual basis...especially when you have over 500 members...grrrr. At the moment, our members can't name their own albums (these are sub albums in a top level "Members" album). If we give them the ability to alter their album name and description, they also have the ability to change everyone else's album name and description too! Hmmm not very satisfactory.

Good luck and I look forward to seeing your progress with this plugin. If it's anything like the Dailyquote plugin...it'll be fantastic!
Regards Jill

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This is probably a little far fetched, but figured I'd try. I want to see something along the lines of cardomain and sounddomain. I have been looking for something like that in a gallery for quite some time.
This would be mainyl for users to show off thier pic, with the users comments or whatever for each picture. Just like cardomain/sounddomain, but wrapped in Geeklog.

I told ya it was a little far fetched... sorry.

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most galleries employ a comment system of some kind... so not sure what you mean here.
either way, this gallery will support GL's comment engine as well as having owner's title, caption, description (perhaps can include thumbs and html in description as well), exif, etc. with the ability to enable or disable any/all components.
per album and per image level access restrictions will be employed just as Vinny suggested. this will also take care of s_witch's request for per album edit privs for album owners.
The main layout is what I am excited about actually--i mean it's just html after its all done and said, but its look good on paper.

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oh, and how's this for a name... InMemoriam

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Where's that name come from? I don't care what you call it...if it does what we need...I'll love you forever...er...figuratively speaking of course Mr. Green

Oh and I forgot to mention before, we'd like to see a rating feature incorporated...I know some don't like this...BUT...perhaps it could be turned off via the admin inteface. (We run monthly competitions where the users vote on images in a particular album...and we've found it a popular feature...)
Regards Jill

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For album permissions and structure, you could use the folder code I've written for my Easyfile file management plugin. It features a hierarchical structure with individual access rights on all folders. It already supports editing, moving, deleting, etc. that you might want on a photo album.


I added coppermine over the coppermine bridge to phpBB and the bridge from phpBB to Geeklog. Runs fine so far but addin the geeklog header to coppermine really hurts me. Any advise?

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any news on the gallery proposal. i know you are a busy man, just curious, you know i'm a big fan of your work.
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yes yes.. still workin on it..
but this will take me a couple of months. I'm just a noob Laughing


Check out my page with phpBB forum and coppermine. Header now working. Razz


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Just sarted using GL, looking forward to this gallery plugin!

just my $0.02 of support Very Happy


Any update on this?

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Quote by Atticka: Any update on this?

No... and likely there won't be one until after I wrestle myself into oblivion trying to get some other stupid gallery program working with GL.

Because, hey, that's the way my life goes.

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Quote by elect:
Quote by Atticka: Any update on this?

No... and likely there won't be one until after I wrestle myself into oblivion trying to get some other stupid gallery program working with GL.

Because, hey, that's the way my life goes.

Have you tried gallery it works great for me on this site, with very little install hassle.
Yes I am mental.

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asking for an update one week after I said it will take a couple of months is a bit unrealistic, Atticka. ...and elect, you can always shoot me some cash if you are in a rush--work comes first.

I really meant this thread for suggestions, not for your display, which seems to be just a total lack of appreciation for others efforts..

excuse me if I've misunderstood you--I'm very busy.

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Yeah give it a rest people. Anyone familiar with machinari's previous work will know that you'll be getting a quality plugin...AND...if he's said he'll do something...he'll do it.

We are ALL eagerly awaiting a native GL gallery plugin...but hey...give the guy a break...we can't just click our fingers and expect this thing to be produced overnight! Rolling Eyes
Regards Jill

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