Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 11:02 am EDT

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Have justupgraded to 1.3.11 from 1.3.10
In both cases the icons are not showing in admin panel..... any help



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Registered: 01/31/03
Posts: 26
This isn't a specific solution, but it might help you figure it out.

Look at the source HTML code for the page in question and see where it's trying to load those images from. You either need to copy these image files to a new location or there's a problem with one of your path settings.

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Posts: 161
the above is most likly the culprit wrong path


Quote by Ruatha: This isn't a specific solution, but it might help you figure it out.

Look at the source HTML code for the page in question and see where it's trying to load those images from. You either need to copy these image files to a new location or there's a problem with one of your path settings.


i have checked the path . u can also right click and chk it at my site a1mp3 dot com ( just testing this script ) .

I checked the config php also and found the lines below:

$_CONF['layout_url'] = $_CONF['site_url'] . '/layout/' . $_CONF['theme'];
$_CONF['path_themes'] = $_CONF['path_html'] . 'layout/';
$_CONF['path_layout'] = $_CONF['path_themes'] . $_CONF['theme'] . '/';

maybe there should be a line for the image path also ?? Also neither image magik nor netpbm is turned on...

please help ... Embarassed
I am no good with php or programming....

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First of all, try to find out from where it's actually trying to load the icons. Check your webserver's logfiles for 404s for the topic icons. Or try "View Image" (or a similar function) in your browser's context menu when clicking on the place where the icons are supposed to be.

And, of course, make sure you've actually uploaded the images ...

bye, Dirk


Thanks so much all of you. The problem was in a complete diff sector. And so it was idff to find out. I have disabled hotlinking for all the images via cpanel - and all the images dissappeared. Maybe it has something to do with the version (1.3.10)

Now when I disabled it started off cool. Thanks again. Smile


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