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Missing lines in user.php and users.php for 4 images integration


I have a 4images integration running fine on another website - no problems - but I guess it is the old versin of Geeklog?

When I tried to set this up on a new server - with the freshest version of GL - I ran into quite a few problems. Doh! - that was a mistake

The two main ones are not being able to properly edit the files. Everything in the manual instructions works fine except for two. The lines we are supposed to find - don't exist in the new files.

Text Formatted Code
9. OPEN <geeklogdir>/public_html/users.php:

    #### FIND ####
    #### PLACE BELOW ####
    // GALLERY
    if ($GLOBALS['photogallery'] == true) {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO 4images_users (user_id,user_level,user_name,user_password,user_email,user_showemail,user_allowemails,user_invisible,user_joindate,user_activationkey,user_lastaction,user_location,user_lastvisit,user_comments,user_homepage,user_icq)
        VALUES ('$uid','2','$username','','$email','1','1','0','$regdate','','','','','','','')");  


Text Formatted Code
11. OPEN <geeklogdir>/public_html/admin/user.php:
    #### FIND *THE FIRST* ####
    DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userinfo']} (uid) VALUES ($uid)");

    #### PLACE BELOW ####
    // GALLERY
    if ($GLOBALS['photogallery'] == true) {
        DB_query("INSERT INTO 4images_users (user_id,user_level,user_name,user_password,user_email,user_showemail,user_allowemails,user_invisible,user_joindate,user_activationkey,user_lastaction,user_location,user_lastvisit,user_comments,user_homepage,user_icq)
        VALUES ('$uid','2','$username','','$email','1','1','0','$regdate','','','','','','','')");  

Anyone have a clue how to rework this? I LOVE geeklog AND 4images Big Celebration ... and I guess I could revert back to the old version of geeklog if I had to? But I would love to stay with the current version AND get 4images working properly.

Thoughts??? Can someone help me

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
I'm not familiar with the 4images integration, but some of the user-related code has been moved to system/lib-user.php in recent Geeklog versions. See if you can find it there ...

bye, Dirk


One of the missing codes IS in that file ... thanks Smile

For others having this problem .... New instructions for Number 11.

11. OPEN /public_html/system/lib-user.php

#### FIND *THE FIRST* ####
DB_query ("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userinfo']} (uid) VALUES ($uid)");

#### PLACE BELOW ####
if ($GLOBALS['photogallery'] == true) {
DB_query("INSERT INTO 4images_users (user_id,user_level,user_name,user_password,user_email,user_showemail,user_allowemails,user_invisible,user_joindate,user_activationkey,user_lastaction,user_location,user_lastvisit,user_comments,user_homepage,user_icq)
VALUES ('$uid','2','$username','','$email','1','1','0','$regdate','','','','','','','')");


The wierd thing is that most of #9 is ALSO in this file ... but it doesn't make sense to add the same code to the document twice?

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Registered: 01/04/05
Posts: 22
What did you end up doing for step 9? Did you get the site working?


it works, but in the code in the quote above there is a } missing

VALUES ('$uid','2','$username','','$email','1','1','0','$regdate','','','','','','','')");



ok.. there is something I need a little help with.. I have made changes to system/lib-user.php (instead of to /users.php) and also to /usersettings.php.. that's done and fully working!

it seems also some changes have been made to admin/user.php, so I can't put the code for admin there..

So I need to put the code somewhere else to make sure when an admin edits an account, the 4images tables are updated as well..

it's all about this code:

11. OPEN /public_html/admin/user.php:

#### FIND *THE FIRST* ####
DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['userinfo']} (uid) VALUES ($uid)");

#### PLACE BELOW ####
if ($GLOBALS['photogallery'] == true) {
DB_query("INSERT INTO 4images_users (user_id,user_level,user_name,user_password,user_email,user_showemail,user_allowemails,
VALUES ('$uid','2','$username','','$email','1','1','0','$regdate','','','','','','','')");

#### FIND ####
DB_query("UPDATE {$_TABLES['users']} SET username = '$username', fullname = '$fullname', passwd = '$passwd', email = '$email', homepage = '$homepage', photo = '$curphoto' WHERE uid = $uid");

#### PLACE BELOW ####
if ($GLOBALS['photogallery'] == true) {
DB_query("UPDATE 4images_users SET user_name='$username',user_email='$email',user_homepage='$homepage' WHERE user_id=$uid");

where do I have to put this?



Interested in this solution myself. praying it will work


yes please, somebody willing to help with my last post?

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