Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 06:45 am EDT

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Converting Wordpress to Geeklog

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About six months ago I created my own blog. I was reintroducing myself to Web Development after a three year hiatus.

At the time I really liked and wanted to go with Geeklog, but it was a bit over my head. So I went with Wordpress.

I've been happy with Wordpress. It's an excellent piece of software. But at this point I'm starting to see it's limitations (primarly in layout) and have started to look for another CMS.

After looking through what was available and testing out several (Mambo, Drupal, PHPNuke, etc...) I've ended up back here.

Luckily for me I've learned enough in the interim to get a working copy of Geeklog running and have altered the layout / headers / what not, on a test site to the point where I feel like I'd be comfortable using Geeklog as my CMS.

However before I get overly gung ho and wipe out my current Wordpress site I want to know if anyone knows of a way to convert my current WP database to Geeklog. I'm really not looking forward to the thought of manually inserting all of the posts and comments.



Did you find a solution yet? I'm looking to do the same thing.

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Hm, you don`t seem to have found a solution? I`d like to know it too.

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Registered: 05/20/05
Posts: 1
Cool Your data base, in mysql, must have the same table name convention at GL ... the only way I know (as I have done this at http://SDRadio.net) is the good ole fashioned way. I did the cut 'n paste shuffle. Big Celebration

It was close, but no bannana. No easy answer, and standard disclaimers: hurricanes in mirror are closer than they appear.

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