Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, February 15 2025 @ 10:13 pm EST

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Transparent png's in WinIE

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Registered: 08/02/02
Posts: 5
I've done a search for this issue in the forums, and was surprised not to find much discussion of it. I'd like my site logo to be a transparent png, and there's some nice php code to make this work at http://www.koivi.com/ie-png-transparency/.

Once the php functions have been saved as a file, the solution requires the user to add a couple of lines of php code to the page code itself. As best I can tell, the first bit of code:

'php ob_start();' (where ' represents the less-than-question-mark php delimiter)

tags the beginning of a file, while the second bit of code:

include_once 'replacePngTags.php';
echo replacePngTags(ob_get_clean());

tells the function to scan through the file and do its magic, assuming the file replacePngTags.php has been placed in the PHP search path (I put it in geeklog/system, and for good measure I placed the full path in the include_once statement).

So, where do I put these lines of code in amongst the geeklog php?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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