Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, January 18 2025 @ 01:24 am EST

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The login-Mystery!


IT is there. THEY are out there. And I dont understand it. It might be an issue of my brain (which brain?) or of my simple knowledge of psycologics not going far enough... the mystery remains!

Why? Why? Why do people register at a Geeklog site that does not give them any privileges except posting? And then.... they never post. They register! They login! but dont use it... Are they so eager to leave a trace? Are they dead programs roaming the internet? Are they hackers trying to find weakpoints? What is it? I remain without answers....

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Registered: 08/12/02
Posts: 300
I have a better one. I have a site where registering gives no extra privileges to. And they still continue to register and login. I have noticed that it is mainly females.


It is cause so many sites require you to login to use them, people see the register area and just assume they aren't seeing the whole site unless they login.


i agree, as i have found a lot of sites require you to sign up before you can post, some even before you can view the threads. I find this annoying and whose to say that some of these hosters aren't the ones looking for some stupid people to give out their details?

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