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How to insert a form?

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Registered: 08/15/04
Posts: 53
Location:Verona, Italy
in my GL site, I would like to add a page where users can compile a form (name, address, age, male or female, email, comments..) and send it to me.

Is it possible to do this with GeekLog ? How?

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Quote by kreative: Is it possible to do this with GeekLog ?

Sure, why not?

A form is just plain HTML, so add it wherever it suits you best (if it's in a story, you'll have to add the form, input, etc. tags to the list of allowed HTML first, though).

bye, Dirk

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Registered: 08/15/04
Posts: 53
Location:Verona, Italy
Yes, but how can I write the code to tell that when the user click on "send" button, an email will be sent to me?


Quote by kreative: Yes, but how can I write the code to tell that when the user click on "send" button, an email will be sent to me?

You have to make the PHP script that gets the info from the form and then e-mail all the info to you. It's quite easy to do so it will help you if you search google on how to get info from form and then e-mail it to you.

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