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Sending mail barfs if USERNAME has a "." in it

Ramsay E

In my config.ini file I setup my site name that had a "." in it. When I did a group mailing, the system would fail every time. And, no matter what I sent the "FROM USERNAME" field to, the system would always insert the site name and the "FROM" user.

I could swear "." is a valid character in a username. Is this true or is the mailer busted. BTW, I've setup my site to use SMTP as the mailer.


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i was able to send mail to first.lastname@domain.com no problem after i resolved my other mail issues
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Ramsay E

I guess I didn't explain well. What I meant is if the SENDER name has a "." in it the system seems to barf and I'm talking about the FROM NAME - not the FROM ADDRESS.

Try this experiment: In your config.ini file, set your "site_name" to be "foo.org". Then as an ADMIN, do a group mailing via the "MAIL_USERS" function. In my installation, which is the 1.3.9sr1, the mailing fails and the error log has the following error message:

Text Formatted Code

Mon Aug 23 16:48:53 2004 - [pear_error: message="unable to set sender to [@]" code=0 mode=return level=notice prefix="" info=""]


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Quote by Ramsay E: In my config.ini file I setup my site name that had a "." in it. When I did a group mailing, the system would fail every time.

There is a already a similar bug report but I wasn't able to reproduce it (will try again ...). If you have any additional information, please add it to that bug report.

Quote by Ramsay E: And, no matter what I sent the "FROM USERNAME" field to, the system would always insert the site name and the "FROM" user.

Yep, that's a bug in 1.3.9 (and possibly earlier versions as well). It has already been fixed in CVS.

bye, Dirk

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