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Adding a source field on the stories admin page.


I want to add a field under the body text in the add a story part of the admin interface that is for sources. I get a lot of stories emailed to me and I would like to have the ability to add a source to the stories. Where would I have to edit the code to do this. I dont want the "contributed by" but rather "source:" at the bottom by post a comment or read more.

Can someone help me out


Jeff Witters

Music News Washington DC

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Registered: 02/26/04
Posts: 33
I too have been looking for a solution like this. I would like to see the source field also to be linkable to the source itself.

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Registered: 08/13/04
Posts: 15
Why don't you simply change the text in system/languages/english.php (or whatever language you are using) from "Contributed by:" to "Source:"?


I cant do that since I want to add several different stories from several different sources that need to have the "source." but also have the contributed by portion of the article too.

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