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changing calendar.php for extended options
I have written the following code some time ago.
its a calendar function that allows to set any day as the first day of the week.
I think it should be possible to replace the current code with an adaption of this one. Please tell me what you think:
$timestamp = $_GET['timestamp'];
if (empty($timestamp)) {$timestamp = strtotime("now");}
getdatepicker($timestamp, "./index.php?action=editday", 1);
function getdatepicker($month_ts, $linkout, $firstwday)
$weekarray = array("Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa","Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa");
$datum = getdate($month_ts);
$thatday = $datum[mday];
$thatmonth = date("M", $month_ts);
$thatyear = date("Y", $month_ts);
$firstofmonth_ts = strtotime("1 $thatmonth $thatyear", $month_ts);
$numberofdays = date(t, $month_ts);
$firstmonthday = date(w, $firstofmonth_ts);
$output = "$output<Table border=1>n";
$nextmonth_ts = strtotime("+1 month", $month_ts);
$lastmonth_ts = strtotime("-1 month", $month_ts);
$nextyear_ts = strtotime("+1 year", $month_ts);
$lastyear_ts = strtotime("-1 year", $month_ts);
$output = "$output<TR>n <TD colspan=7>n <Table width="100%">";
$output = "$output<TR><TD align=center>n<A HREF="./datepicker.inc.php?timestamp=$lastmonth_ts"><</A>";
$output = "$output $thatmonth <A HREF="./datepicker.inc.php?timestamp=$nextmonth_ts">></A></TD>n";
$output = "$output <TD align=center><A HREF="./datepicker.inc.php?timestamp=$lastyear_ts"><</A>";
$output = "$output $thatyear <A HREF="./datepicker.inc.php?timestamp=$nextyear_ts">></A></TD></TR>";
$output = "$output </Table>n</TD></TR>nn";
$output = "$output<TR>n";
for ($x=$firstwday;$x<=($firstwday+6);$x++) {$output = "$output<TD align=center><B>$weekarray[$x]</B></TD>n";}
$output = "$output</TR>nn<TR>";
for($x=0;$x<$numberofdays;$x++) # iterate through all days of the month
$day_ts = strtotime("+$x day",$firstofmonth_ts);
$weekday = date("w", $day_ts);
$day = date("j", $day_ts);
if ($firstweek==true) {$firstweekgap=$t;}
if ($weekday==$firstwday) #first day of the week new line start
if ($firstweek==true) {$output2 = "$output2</TR>nn";}
$t=0; # set first day of week
$output2 = "$output2<TR>n";
$output2 = "$output2 <TD align=center><A HREF="$linkout?timestamp=$day_ts" target="tree">$day</A></TD>n";
if ($t==7) #last day of the week display
$output2 = "$output2</TR>nn";
$gap = 7 - $firstweekgap;
if (($gap>0) AND ($gap<7)) {$output = "$outputn <TD colspan="$gap"></TD>n$output2";} else {$output = "$output$output2";}
$output = "$output</TR></Table>n";
echo $output;
I have written the following code some time ago.
its a calendar function that allows to set any day as the first day of the week.
I think it should be possible to replace the current code with an adaption of this one. Please tell me what you think:
Text Formatted Code
$timestamp = $_GET['timestamp'];
if (empty($timestamp)) {$timestamp = strtotime("now");}
getdatepicker($timestamp, "./index.php?action=editday", 1);
function getdatepicker($month_ts, $linkout, $firstwday)
$weekarray = array("Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa","Su","Mo","Tu","We","Th","Fr","Sa");
$datum = getdate($month_ts);
$thatday = $datum[mday];
$thatmonth = date("M", $month_ts);
$thatyear = date("Y", $month_ts);
$firstofmonth_ts = strtotime("1 $thatmonth $thatyear", $month_ts);
$numberofdays = date(t, $month_ts);
$firstmonthday = date(w, $firstofmonth_ts);
$output = "$output<Table border=1>n";
$nextmonth_ts = strtotime("+1 month", $month_ts);
$lastmonth_ts = strtotime("-1 month", $month_ts);
$nextyear_ts = strtotime("+1 year", $month_ts);
$lastyear_ts = strtotime("-1 year", $month_ts);
$output = "$output<TR>n <TD colspan=7>n <Table width="100%">";
$output = "$output<TR><TD align=center>n<A HREF="./datepicker.inc.php?timestamp=$lastmonth_ts"><</A>";
$output = "$output $thatmonth <A HREF="./datepicker.inc.php?timestamp=$nextmonth_ts">></A></TD>n";
$output = "$output <TD align=center><A HREF="./datepicker.inc.php?timestamp=$lastyear_ts"><</A>";
$output = "$output $thatyear <A HREF="./datepicker.inc.php?timestamp=$nextyear_ts">></A></TD></TR>";
$output = "$output </Table>n</TD></TR>nn";
$output = "$output<TR>n";
for ($x=$firstwday;$x<=($firstwday+6);$x++) {$output = "$output<TD align=center><B>$weekarray[$x]</B></TD>n";}
$output = "$output</TR>nn<TR>";
for($x=0;$x<$numberofdays;$x++) # iterate through all days of the month
$day_ts = strtotime("+$x day",$firstofmonth_ts);
$weekday = date("w", $day_ts);
$day = date("j", $day_ts);
if ($firstweek==true) {$firstweekgap=$t;}
if ($weekday==$firstwday) #first day of the week new line start
if ($firstweek==true) {$output2 = "$output2</TR>nn";}
$t=0; # set first day of week
$output2 = "$output2<TR>n";
$output2 = "$output2 <TD align=center><A HREF="$linkout?timestamp=$day_ts" target="tree">$day</A></TD>n";
if ($t==7) #last day of the week display
$output2 = "$output2</TR>nn";
$gap = 7 - $firstweekgap;
if (($gap>0) AND ($gap<7)) {$output = "$outputn <TD colspan="$gap"></TD>n$output2";} else {$output = "$output$output2";}
$output = "$output</TR></Table>n";
echo $output;
Status: offline
Forum User
Registered: 07/13/04
Posts: 2
Yesterday I faced the same problem. I solve it by little modification of config.php, calendar.php and calendar.class.php.
In config.php I added new parameter $_CONF['week_start']
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | see docs/config.html#locale for details |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_CONF['language'] = 'russian_utf-8';
$_CONF['locale'] = 'ru-ru';
$_CONF['date'] = '%A, %d %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S';
$_CONF['daytime'] = '%d.%m.%y %H:%M';
$_CONF['shortdate'] = '%x';
$_CONF['dateonly'] = '%d %b';
$_CONF['timeonly'] = '%H:%M:%S';
$_CONF['default_charset'] = 'utf-8';
$_CONF['week_start'] = 'Sun'; // Set Sun or Mon here
Then I changed calendar.class.php.
First I added new private property of class calendar
* @access private
var $_lang_days;
* @access private
var $_lang_months;
* @access private
var $_week_start;
according to that I changed the setLanguage function
function setLanguage($lang_days='', $lang_months='', $week_start='Sun')
if (empty($lang_days)) {
$this->_lang_days['sunday'] = 'Sunday';
$this->_lang_days['monday'] = 'Monday';
$this->_lang_days['tuesday'] = 'Tuesday';
$this->_lang_days['wednesday'] = 'Wednesday';
$this->_lang_days['thursday'] = 'Thursday';
$this->_lang_days['friday'] = 'Friday';
$this->_lang_days['saturday'] = 'Saturday';
} else {
$this->_lang_days = $lang_days;
if (empty($lang_months)) {
$this->_lang_months['january'] = 'January';
$this->_lang_months['february'] = 'February';
$this->_lang_months['march'] = 'March';
$this->_lang_months['april'] = 'April';
$this->_lang_months['may'] = 'May';
$this->_lang_months['june'] = 'June';
$this->_lang_months['july'] = 'July';
$this->_lang_months['august'] = 'August';
$this->_lang_months['september'] = 'September';
$this->_lang_months['october'] = 'October';
$this->_lang_months['november'] = 'November';
$this->_lang_months['december'] = 'December';
} else {
$this->_lang_months = $lang_months;
if ($week_start != 'Mon') {
$this->_week_start = 'Sun';
} else {
$this->_week_start = $week_start;
and getDayName function
function getDayName($day = 1) {
if ($this->_week_start != 'Mon') {
switch ($day - 1) {
case 0:
return $this->_lang_days['sunday'];
case 1:
} else {
switch ($day - 1) {
case 0:
return $this->_lang_days['monday'];
case 1:
And the last change I made in calendar.class.php in function getDayOfWeek
* Returns the day of the week (0-6) for given date
* @param int $day Number of day in month (1-31)
* @param int $month Number of the month (1-12)
* @param int $year Four digit year
* @return int Returns integer for day of week 0 = Sunday through 6 = Saturday (or 0 = Monday through 6 = Sunday, if week starts from Monday)
function getDayOfWeek($day = 1, $month = 1, $year = '')
if (empty($year)) {
$year = $this->_default_year;
$dateArray = getdate(mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year));
$result = $dateArray['wday'];
if ($this->_week_start == 'Mon') {
$result = ($result == 0)?6:$result - 1;
return $result;
After that I applied 3 chages to calendar.php
function setCalendarLanguage (&$aCalendar)
global $_CONF, $LANG30;
$lang_days = array('sunday'=>$LANG30[1],
$lang_months = array('january'=>$LANG30[13],
$week_start = $_CONF['week_start'];
$aCalendar->setLanguage($lang_days, $lang_months, $week_start);
function makeDaysHeadline ()
global $_CONF, $LANG30;
$retval = '';
if ($_CONF['week_start'] == 'Mon') {
$retval = '<tr><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[2], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[3], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[4], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[5], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[6], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[7], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[1], 0, 2) . '</th></tr>';
} else {
$retval = '<tr><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[1], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[2], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[3], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[4], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[5], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[6], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[7], 0, 2) . '</th></tr>';
return $retval;
// Load templates
$cal_templates = new Template($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'calendar');
'week' => 'calendarweek.thtml',
'day' => 'calendarday.thtml',
'event' => 'calendarevent.thtml',
$cal_templates->set_var('site_url', $_CONF['site_url']);
$cal_templates->set_var ('layout_url', $_CONF['layout_url']);
$cal_templates->set_var('mode', $mode);
if ($_CONF['week_start'] != 'Mon') {
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_sunday', $LANG30[1]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_monday', $LANG30[2]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_tuesday', $LANG30[3]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_wednesday', $LANG30[4]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_thursday', $LANG30[5]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_friday', $LANG30[6]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_saturday', $LANG30[7]);
} else {
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_sunday', $LANG30[2]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_monday', $LANG30[3]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_tuesday', $LANG30[4]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_wednesday', $LANG30[5]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_thursday', $LANG30[6]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_friday', $LANG30[7]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_saturday', $LANG30[1]);
After those modifications it became simple to set if week startrs from Monday or Sunday it set up by $_CONF['week_start'] parameter in config.php.
Yesterday I faced the same problem. I solve it by little modification of config.php, calendar.php and calendar.class.php.
In config.php I added new parameter $_CONF['week_start']
Text Formatted Code
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | |
// | see docs/config.html#locale for details |
// +---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
$_CONF['language'] = 'russian_utf-8';
$_CONF['locale'] = 'ru-ru';
$_CONF['date'] = '%A, %d %B %Y @ %H:%M:%S';
$_CONF['daytime'] = '%d.%m.%y %H:%M';
$_CONF['shortdate'] = '%x';
$_CONF['dateonly'] = '%d %b';
$_CONF['timeonly'] = '%H:%M:%S';
$_CONF['default_charset'] = 'utf-8';
$_CONF['week_start'] = 'Sun'; // Set Sun or Mon here
Then I changed calendar.class.php.
First I added new private property of class calendar
Text Formatted Code
* @access private
var $_lang_days;
* @access private
var $_lang_months;
* @access private
var $_week_start;
according to that I changed the setLanguage function
Text Formatted Code
function setLanguage($lang_days='', $lang_months='', $week_start='Sun')
if (empty($lang_days)) {
$this->_lang_days['sunday'] = 'Sunday';
$this->_lang_days['monday'] = 'Monday';
$this->_lang_days['tuesday'] = 'Tuesday';
$this->_lang_days['wednesday'] = 'Wednesday';
$this->_lang_days['thursday'] = 'Thursday';
$this->_lang_days['friday'] = 'Friday';
$this->_lang_days['saturday'] = 'Saturday';
} else {
$this->_lang_days = $lang_days;
if (empty($lang_months)) {
$this->_lang_months['january'] = 'January';
$this->_lang_months['february'] = 'February';
$this->_lang_months['march'] = 'March';
$this->_lang_months['april'] = 'April';
$this->_lang_months['may'] = 'May';
$this->_lang_months['june'] = 'June';
$this->_lang_months['july'] = 'July';
$this->_lang_months['august'] = 'August';
$this->_lang_months['september'] = 'September';
$this->_lang_months['october'] = 'October';
$this->_lang_months['november'] = 'November';
$this->_lang_months['december'] = 'December';
} else {
$this->_lang_months = $lang_months;
if ($week_start != 'Mon') {
$this->_week_start = 'Sun';
} else {
$this->_week_start = $week_start;
and getDayName function
Text Formatted Code
function getDayName($day = 1) {
if ($this->_week_start != 'Mon') {
switch ($day - 1) {
case 0:
return $this->_lang_days['sunday'];
case 1:
} else {
switch ($day - 1) {
case 0:
return $this->_lang_days['monday'];
case 1:
And the last change I made in calendar.class.php in function getDayOfWeek
Text Formatted Code
* Returns the day of the week (0-6) for given date
* @param int $day Number of day in month (1-31)
* @param int $month Number of the month (1-12)
* @param int $year Four digit year
* @return int Returns integer for day of week 0 = Sunday through 6 = Saturday (or 0 = Monday through 6 = Sunday, if week starts from Monday)
function getDayOfWeek($day = 1, $month = 1, $year = '')
if (empty($year)) {
$year = $this->_default_year;
$dateArray = getdate(mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year));
$result = $dateArray['wday'];
if ($this->_week_start == 'Mon') {
$result = ($result == 0)?6:$result - 1;
return $result;
After that I applied 3 chages to calendar.php
Text Formatted Code
function setCalendarLanguage (&$aCalendar)
global $_CONF, $LANG30;
$lang_days = array('sunday'=>$LANG30[1],
$lang_months = array('january'=>$LANG30[13],
$week_start = $_CONF['week_start'];
$aCalendar->setLanguage($lang_days, $lang_months, $week_start);
Text Formatted Code
function makeDaysHeadline ()
global $_CONF, $LANG30;
$retval = '';
if ($_CONF['week_start'] == 'Mon') {
$retval = '<tr><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[2], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[3], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[4], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[5], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[6], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[7], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[1], 0, 2) . '</th></tr>';
} else {
$retval = '<tr><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[1], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[2], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[3], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[4], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[5], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[6], 0, 2) . '</th><th>'
. substr ($LANG30[7], 0, 2) . '</th></tr>';
return $retval;
Text Formatted Code
// Load templates
$cal_templates = new Template($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'calendar');
'week' => 'calendarweek.thtml',
'day' => 'calendarday.thtml',
'event' => 'calendarevent.thtml',
$cal_templates->set_var('site_url', $_CONF['site_url']);
$cal_templates->set_var ('layout_url', $_CONF['layout_url']);
$cal_templates->set_var('mode', $mode);
if ($_CONF['week_start'] != 'Mon') {
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_sunday', $LANG30[1]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_monday', $LANG30[2]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_tuesday', $LANG30[3]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_wednesday', $LANG30[4]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_thursday', $LANG30[5]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_friday', $LANG30[6]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_saturday', $LANG30[7]);
} else {
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_sunday', $LANG30[2]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_monday', $LANG30[3]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_tuesday', $LANG30[4]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_wednesday', $LANG30[5]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_thursday', $LANG30[6]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_friday', $LANG30[7]);
$cal_templates->set_var('lang_saturday', $LANG30[1]);
After those modifications it became simple to set if week startrs from Monday or Sunday it set up by $_CONF['week_start'] parameter in config.php.
Status: offline
Forum User
Registered: 07/13/04
Posts: 2
I'm sorry
I forgot 'week' case in calendar.php
case 'week':
$cal_templates = new Template($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'calendar');
$start_mname = ($_CONF['week_start'] != 'Mon')?strftime('%B', mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year)):strftime('%B', mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+1,$year));
$eday = ($_CONF['week_start'] != 'Mon')?strftime('%e', mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+6,$year)):strftime('%e', mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+7,$year));
$end_mname = ($_CONF['week_start'] != 'Mon')?strftime('%B', mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+6,$year)):strftime('%B', mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+7,$year));
$end_ynum = ($_CONF['week_start'] != 'Mon')?strftime('%Y', mktime (0,0,0,$month,$day+6,$year)):strftime('%Y', mktime (0,0,0,$month,$day+7,$year));
$date_range = ($_CONF['week_start'] != 'Mon')?$start_mname . ' ' . $day:$start_mname . ' ' . strftime('%e', mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+1,$year));
if ($year <> $end_ynum) {
$date_range .= ', ' . $year . ' - ';
} else {
$date_range .= ' - ';
if ($start_mname <> $end_mname) {
$date_range .= $end_mname . ' ' . $eday . ', ' . $end_ynum;
} else {
$date_range .= $eday . ', ' . $end_ynum;
$cal_templates->set_var('date_range', $date_range);
$thedate = ($_CONF['week_start'] != 'Mon')?COM_getUserDateTimeFormat(mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year)):COM_getUserDateTimeFormat(mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+1,$year));
if ($_CONF['week_start'] == 'Mon') {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) {
$dayname = (date('w',$thedate[1]) == 0)?$cal->getDayName(7):$cal->getDayName(date('w',$thedate[1]));
$monthnum = date('m', $thedate[1]);
$daynum = date('d', $thedate[1]);
$yearnum = date('Y', $thedate[1]);
if ($yearnum . '-' . $monthnum . '-' . $daynum == date('Y-m-d',time())) {
} else {
$monthname = $cal->getMonthName($monthnum);
$cal_templates->set_var('day'.$i,$dayname . ", <a href="{$_CONF['site_url']}/calendar.php?mode=$mode&view=day&day=$daynum&month=$monthnum&year=$yearnum">" . strftime ("%x", $thedate[1]) . '</a>');
$cal_templates->set_var('langlink_addevent'.$i, '<a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . "/submit.php?type=event&mode=$mode&day=$daynum&month=$monthnum&year=$yearnum" . '">' . $LANG30[8] . '</a>');
if ($mode == 'personal') {
$calsql = "SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES["personal_events"]} WHERE (uid = {$_USER["uid"]}) AND ((allday=1 AND datestart = "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum") OR (datestart >= "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum 00:00:00" AND datestart <= "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum 23:59:59") OR (dateend >= "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum 00:00:00" AND dateend <= "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum 23:59:59") OR ("$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum" between datestart and dateend)) ORDER BY datestart,timestart";
} else {
$calsql = "SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES["events"]} WHERE ((allday=1 AND datestart = "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum") OR (datestart >= "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum 00:00:00" AND datestart <= "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum 23:59:59") OR (dateend >= "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum 00:00:00" AND dateend <= "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum 23:59:59") OR ("$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum" between datestart and dateend)) ORDER BY datestart,timestart";
$result = DB_query($calsql);
$nrows = DB_numRows($result);
for ($j = 1; $j <= $nrows; $j++) {
$A = DB_fetchArray($result);
if ($A['allday'] == 1) {
$cal_templates->set_var('event_starttime', $LANG30[26]);
} else {
$startstamp = strtotime($A['datestart'] . ' ' . $A['timestart']);
$endstamp = strtotime($A['dateend'] . ' ' . $A['timeend']);
$startday = date('d',$startstamp);
$startmonth = date('n',$startstamp);
$endday = date('d', $endstamp);
$endmonth = date('n',$endstamp);
if (($startmonth == $monthnum && $daynum > $startday) OR ($startmonth <> $monthnum)) {
$starttime = date('n/j g:i a',$startstamp);
} else {
$starttime = date('g:i a', $startstamp);
if (($endmonth == $monthnum && $daynum < $endday) OR ($endmonth <> $monthnum)) {
$endtime = date('n/j g:i a', $endstamp);
} else {
$endtime = date('g:i a', $endstamp);
$cal_templates->set_var('event_starttime', $starttime);
$cal_templates->set_var('event_endtime', ' - ' . $endtime);
$cal_templates->set_var('event_title_and_link', '<a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/calendar_event.php?mode=' . $mode . '&eid=' . $A['eid'] . '">' . stripslashes($A['title']) . '</a>');
// Provide delete event link if user has access
if (SEC_hasAccess($A['owner_id'],$A['group_id'],$A['perm_owner'],$A['perm_group'],$A['perm_members'],$A['perm_anon']) == 3 AND $mode == 'personal') {
$cal_templates->set_var('delete_imagelink','<a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/calendar_event.php?action=deleteevent&eid=' . $A['eid'] . '"><img alt="' . $LANG30[30] . '" border="0" src="' . $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/delete_event.gif"></a>');
} else {
if ($nrows == 0) {
$cal_templates->set_var('event_starttime',' ');
// Go to next day
$thedate = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat(mktime(0,0,0,$monthnum, $daynum + 1, $yearnum));
} else {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) {
$dayname = $cal->getDayName(date('w',$thedate[1]) + 1);
$monthnum = date('m', $thedate[1]);
Text Formatted Code
case 'week':
$cal_templates = new Template($_CONF['path_layout'] . 'calendar');
$start_mname = ($_CONF['week_start'] != 'Mon')?strftime('%B', mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year)):strftime('%B', mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+1,$year));
$eday = ($_CONF['week_start'] != 'Mon')?strftime('%e', mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+6,$year)):strftime('%e', mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+7,$year));
$end_mname = ($_CONF['week_start'] != 'Mon')?strftime('%B', mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+6,$year)):strftime('%B', mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+7,$year));
$end_ynum = ($_CONF['week_start'] != 'Mon')?strftime('%Y', mktime (0,0,0,$month,$day+6,$year)):strftime('%Y', mktime (0,0,0,$month,$day+7,$year));
$date_range = ($_CONF['week_start'] != 'Mon')?$start_mname . ' ' . $day:$start_mname . ' ' . strftime('%e', mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+1,$year));
if ($year <> $end_ynum) {
$date_range .= ', ' . $year . ' - ';
} else {
$date_range .= ' - ';
if ($start_mname <> $end_mname) {
$date_range .= $end_mname . ' ' . $eday . ', ' . $end_ynum;
} else {
$date_range .= $eday . ', ' . $end_ynum;
$cal_templates->set_var('date_range', $date_range);
$thedate = ($_CONF['week_start'] != 'Mon')?COM_getUserDateTimeFormat(mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day,$year)):COM_getUserDateTimeFormat(mktime(0,0,0,$month,$day+1,$year));
if ($_CONF['week_start'] == 'Mon') {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) {
$dayname = (date('w',$thedate[1]) == 0)?$cal->getDayName(7):$cal->getDayName(date('w',$thedate[1]));
$monthnum = date('m', $thedate[1]);
$daynum = date('d', $thedate[1]);
$yearnum = date('Y', $thedate[1]);
if ($yearnum . '-' . $monthnum . '-' . $daynum == date('Y-m-d',time())) {
} else {
$monthname = $cal->getMonthName($monthnum);
$cal_templates->set_var('day'.$i,$dayname . ", <a href="{$_CONF['site_url']}/calendar.php?mode=$mode&view=day&day=$daynum&month=$monthnum&year=$yearnum">" . strftime ("%x", $thedate[1]) . '</a>');
$cal_templates->set_var('langlink_addevent'.$i, '<a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . "/submit.php?type=event&mode=$mode&day=$daynum&month=$monthnum&year=$yearnum" . '">' . $LANG30[8] . '</a>');
if ($mode == 'personal') {
$calsql = "SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES["personal_events"]} WHERE (uid = {$_USER["uid"]}) AND ((allday=1 AND datestart = "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum") OR (datestart >= "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum 00:00:00" AND datestart <= "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum 23:59:59") OR (dateend >= "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum 00:00:00" AND dateend <= "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum 23:59:59") OR ("$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum" between datestart and dateend)) ORDER BY datestart,timestart";
} else {
$calsql = "SELECT * FROM {$_TABLES["events"]} WHERE ((allday=1 AND datestart = "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum") OR (datestart >= "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum 00:00:00" AND datestart <= "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum 23:59:59") OR (dateend >= "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum 00:00:00" AND dateend <= "$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum 23:59:59") OR ("$yearnum-$monthnum-$daynum" between datestart and dateend)) ORDER BY datestart,timestart";
$result = DB_query($calsql);
$nrows = DB_numRows($result);
for ($j = 1; $j <= $nrows; $j++) {
$A = DB_fetchArray($result);
if ($A['allday'] == 1) {
$cal_templates->set_var('event_starttime', $LANG30[26]);
} else {
$startstamp = strtotime($A['datestart'] . ' ' . $A['timestart']);
$endstamp = strtotime($A['dateend'] . ' ' . $A['timeend']);
$startday = date('d',$startstamp);
$startmonth = date('n',$startstamp);
$endday = date('d', $endstamp);
$endmonth = date('n',$endstamp);
if (($startmonth == $monthnum && $daynum > $startday) OR ($startmonth <> $monthnum)) {
$starttime = date('n/j g:i a',$startstamp);
} else {
$starttime = date('g:i a', $startstamp);
if (($endmonth == $monthnum && $daynum < $endday) OR ($endmonth <> $monthnum)) {
$endtime = date('n/j g:i a', $endstamp);
} else {
$endtime = date('g:i a', $endstamp);
$cal_templates->set_var('event_starttime', $starttime);
$cal_templates->set_var('event_endtime', ' - ' . $endtime);
$cal_templates->set_var('event_title_and_link', '<a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/calendar_event.php?mode=' . $mode . '&eid=' . $A['eid'] . '">' . stripslashes($A['title']) . '</a>');
// Provide delete event link if user has access
if (SEC_hasAccess($A['owner_id'],$A['group_id'],$A['perm_owner'],$A['perm_group'],$A['perm_members'],$A['perm_anon']) == 3 AND $mode == 'personal') {
$cal_templates->set_var('delete_imagelink','<a href="' . $_CONF['site_url'] . '/calendar_event.php?action=deleteevent&eid=' . $A['eid'] . '"><img alt="' . $LANG30[30] . '" border="0" src="' . $_CONF['layout_url'] . '/images/icons/delete_event.gif"></a>');
} else {
if ($nrows == 0) {
$cal_templates->set_var('event_starttime',' ');
// Go to next day
$thedate = COM_getUserDateTimeFormat(mktime(0,0,0,$monthnum, $daynum + 1, $yearnum));
} else {
for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) {
$dayname = $cal->getDayName(date('w',$thedate[1]) + 1);
$monthnum = date('m', $thedate[1]);
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varian vega
Forum User
Registered: 05/21/04
Posts: 10
Thank you for sharing this great code! Tried out and it worked from the start
I wanted to change the calendar all the time but couldnt figure this out... so well, thanks again,
bye varian
I wanted to change the calendar all the time but couldnt figure this out... so well, thanks again,
bye varian
Hakan Törehan
Thank you for sharing this great code!
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