Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, September 14 2024 @ 09:18 pm EDT

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Writing full-scale config.php editor?



what do you think about writing a full-scale config.php editor? There is one already in the admin tooldbox, but how about writing one that would nut just be a text-editor but a more automized form-based one.

It would read the complete file, get the comments above each var, each var name and value and display it in a form? It would dynamically get all the vars and values so it does not matter if someone has additional variables in there...

Is it worth the effort? Does it make sense at all?

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Registered: 03/13/04
Posts: 24
One idea to toss around: how about writing the functions functions that would allow an admin to move the contents of config.php to an SQL table? Then you could edit it through a web interface without having to chmod config.php before editing it. (for safety sake, don't give the httpd user carte blanche write access to a config file! You never know what might get hacked!)

If I ever have any spare time (HA!) I was going to work on this, but if someone else likes the idea and goes with it, I won't be disappointed....


Actually I just started it.
I wrote a table that has all the settings inside.
next will be a function that writes a config2.php-file

I will see if I can "simulate" a text-file that looks closest to the current one.

How to deal then with security issues is another one.
If someone has an idea how to deal with this please tell me. the admin toolbox and is already having this potential risk, so I am not sure if it is that dangerous to let the admin write into the config.php through the web interface.

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