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Modifying links for target=_blank



I want to modify the links on my page regarding the links section and the RSS feeds to use target=_blank

is it possible at all to change only those? Which functions do I have to touch?



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James Fryer

Forum User
Registered: 08/06/02
Posts: 17
I did this. Here's how I did it. This should be complete, let me know if any problems.

** config.php

Add this:

Text Formatted Code

// If non-empty, used as target for links
$_CONF['linkstarget'] = '_blank';


** public_html/links.php

At about line 170, add the following:

Text Formatted Code

           if ($nrows < $end) {
                $end = $nrows + 1;

        if (!empty($_CONF['linkstarget']))
            $linkstarget = ' TARGET="' . $_CONF['linkstarget'] . '"';
            $linkstarget = '';
        $linklist->set_var('linkstarget', $linkstarget);
        $currentcategory = '';
        for ($i = 1; $i < $end; $i++) {


** public_html/lib-common.php

You need to add code here to make the 'what's new' links open into the target.

At about line 4423 add the following:

Text Formatted Code

     if( $nrows > 0 )
            if (!empty($_CONF['linkstarget']))
                $linkstarget = ' TARGET="' . $_CONF['linkstarget'] . '"';
                $linkstarget = '';
            $newlinks = array();


At about line 4454 add the following:

Text Formatted Code

                  // Trim the length if over 16 characters                                                                        
                    $itemlen = strlen( $A['title'] );
                    if( $itemlen > 16 )
                        $newlinks [] = '<a href="' . $lcount . '"' . $linkstarget . ' title="'
                            . $A['title'] . '">' . substr( $A['title'], 0, 16 )
                            . '...</a>' . LB;
                        $newlinks[] = '<a href="' . $lcount . '"' . $linkstarget . '>'
                            . substr( $A['title'], 0, $itemlen ) . '</a>' . LB;

        if( $foundone == 0 )


* layout/.../links/linkdetails.thtml

Change this file to read:

Text Formatted Code

  <strong><a href="{link_url}"{linkstarget}>{link_name}</a></strong> ({link_hits})<br>



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