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Featured article only on top page

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Forum User
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Registered: 04/22/02
Posts: 292
I was wondering how difficult it would be to have just the featured article show on the top page. Not so difficult, it turned out. In index.php, replace the following code:

Text Formatted Code

if ($newstories) {
    $sql .= "AND (date >= (date_sub(NOW(), INTERVAL {$_CONF['newstoriesinterval']} SECOND))) ";

// new from here

if (($_CONF['featured_only'] == 1) && !($page == 1)) {
    $offset = 1 + (($page - 2) * $limit);
} else {
    $offset = ($page - 1) * $limit;

$sql .= "ORDER BY featured DESC, date DESC";

$result = DB_query ("SELECT *,UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date) AS day " . $sql
        . " LIMIT $offset, $limit");
$nrows = DB_numRows ($result);

$data = DB_query ("SELECT COUNT(*) AS count " . $sql);
$D = DB_fetchArray ($data);

if ($_CONF['featured_only'] == 1) {
    $num_pages = 1 + (ceil (($D['count']-1) / $limit));
} else {
    $num_pages = ceil ($D['count'] / $limit);

if ($nrows > 0) {
    for ($x = 1; $x <= $nrows; $x++) {
        $A = DB_fetchArray($result);
        if ($A['featured'] == 1) {
            $feature = 'true';
        } elseif (($x == 1) && ($_CONF['showfirstasfeatured'] == 1)) {
            $feature = 'true';
            $A['featured'] = 1;
        $display .= COM_article($A,'y');
        if ($A['featured'] == 1) {
            $display .= PLG_showCenterblock (2, $page, $topic);
        if ($_CONF['featured_only'] == 1 && $feature) {

// new up to here

    $display .= PLG_showCenterblock (3, $page, $topic); // bottom blocks


and add the variable

Text Formatted Code

$_CONF['featured_only'] = 1; // set to 1 to show only the featured article on the top page when a featured article exists


to your config.php, and bob's your uncle. The team might want to check this in case I'm missing something really stupid.

Seems to work for me here.


-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small

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