Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, February 17 2025 @ 03:36 pm EST

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HTML email problem

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Registered: 04/25/02
Posts: 154
OK. I haven't had much luck getting help with the series of odd issues I've faced recently and therefore it is with a long sigh that I ask for some ideas on my latest problem.

When e-mail is sent using the mail-users function and sent in HTML, some people receive the e-mail with all of the HTML coding visible (and the message thus nearly unreadable).

So I check with some users who can't read the mail and it turns out they are using the same version of Outlook Express and the same Windows operating system.

I don't have the problem; they do. All of the "settings" in Outlook are the same as far as I've been able to tell.

Just to make matters more confusing, one person who reports this inability to translate HTML messages, reports that email sent from a different Geeklog site (which happens to be on a different server) doesn't have this problem.

Both Geeklog sites are Geeklog 1.3.8-1. The one with the problem is 1sr3.

Any ideas on how to debug this would be appreciated.

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