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Plugin Interest - Developers please read.

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Ok Taking a few threads and combining them.

I would like to propose a new plugin taking the concept of gl_projects and extending it from site specific to multihomed

In essance using xml or csv file to replicate the plugins listing to client servers, who in turn can act as a parent server to others clients. We would need to establish a primary server to start, I volunteer mine to start. It would need to either be a cron job or manual update.

As I think most Developers are using the Filemgmt Plugin? Yes? We can use the information from those as the source for the data being replicated. OR should we make it like my current gl_projects plugin and support projects using or not using Filemgmt Plugin.

Would there be any interest in this? I'd like to get some of the major contributors signed up to use this if I make it so that it could have a good strong base to start, as without support by other developers contributing to the list it would die a quick death.

Ideas on how to approach this?

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Registered: 04/22/02
Posts: 292
Nice idea, but isn't this overkill? It might be better to just finish the gl_projects plugin that you started, make it secure and pretty enough that the development team approve it for inclusion on the main geeklog.net site and then everyone can just update their entries there. Have Dirk or Blaine or some other generous soul give the access rights to create project listings, then everyone can keep their own up to date. It wouldn't require much work on the part of whoever does the rights allocation as there aren't that many people who have released plugins.

Just my 2 yen.


-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small

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