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GeeLog versus PHPNuke


Please don't scold me, please be honest.

Many months back I tried out GeekLog after trying out Nucleus. I really liked GeekLog's ability to modularize the content columns, and read RSS.

I haven't tried PHPNuke, but I know that's another popular CMS system. I have seen posts here of people porting from PHPN to GL, and vice versa.

So what advantages/strength do each have? Weaknesses?

I just want to be sure I go with the right one for my needs. thanks

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Try www.opensourcecms.com, also here or here
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PHP-Nuke was the first CMS I ever tried. I liked it. Then I broke my site. Then did it again. Few more times. Few more CMS's,and now i'm on to GeekLog...

PHP-Nuke has an easier installation, you put the files in your root directory, tweak the config.php file, and run the install. Done.

Geeklog, on the other hand, directs you to put most of the files in a non web-accessible directory for security purposes. Then copy over only the needed files to the root web directory. Also a slightly more tedius installation.

I think GL looks neater, although Nuke probably has more themes, modules, hacks, blocks, etc. for it. GL seems to me to be a bit easier to administer...I've never looked into block/module/theme customization, as I only know HTML and VERY little PHP...

And for some reason, I have more users registered on my site (a whopping 10, and I only know who one of them is) then I ever did with PHP-Nuke, and I publicized my site more with Nuke (well, sort of...). My site still has the same stuff it did then, nothing much. Main difference between now and then is CMS, so maybe that's got something to do with it. I dont' know.
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Quote by SagaLore:So what advantages/strength do each have?

What I can tell, one of many, many, many GL strengths is one very important i.e. SUPPORT. I haven't been left "alone" with my questions/issues etc. related to GL whenever I asked here in the Forum.
If you consider to use whatever package try the support first.
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Quote by Robin:
Quote by SagaLore:So what advantages/strength do each have?

What I can tell, one of many, many, many GL strengths is one very important i.e. SUPPORT. I haven't been left "alone" with my questions/issues etc. related to GL whenever I asked here in the Forum.
If you consider to use whatever package try the support first.
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