Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 05:16 am EDT

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--Completed Projects--
gl_intraab --Final, until I get some new feedback-- Intranet Address Book

Private Development:

gl_timecard --Development Stage--
This will be a two flavor plugin. Free and Premium.

Free- Basic functionality - timecard a place to enter regular-overtime hours, vaction, and sick time useage.

Premium- OT, Vaction, Sick time Calculation basic payroll exporting, task time tracking, etc..

Extranet-Intranet Suite --Planning and Development--

gl_showroom: Gallery Type Plugin

gl_memberlookup: Extension to the GL profile pages with member search, will include support for plugin specific groups and group admins. This may morph into Intraab instead as its similar funcationality, Intraab would get a new screen allowing you ot turn on and off differnt portions of functionality.

Misc Projects:
gl_gradebook --Planning Stage--Tracking of Assignment Grades, Test Grades, Essays etc.. category weighting... Over-all Grade, Further break downs so that there can be multiple periods and/or terms ie a Enghlish teacher teaching English 101 10am-11am and 12a-1pm on tuesday and 10am-11am on Thursday without getting the students mixed up or grouped togeather.

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Its too bad there isn't a hero cookie smilie. Let me know if you need any help testing.
-- destr0yr
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams

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Fine effort.

Might not be a bad idea to have a list on the site somewhere with all the plugins, version, and maintainer. FYI:

Ewiki - Erfurt Wiki plugin. version 0.2 for Geeklog 1.3.9. http://euans.net/ (new release coming this week).
Glinks - Geeklog links made into a hierarchical links plugin, version 1.1 for Geeklog 1.3.9. http://euans.net/ (new release coming this week).
Apply - oniine application system for a language school (under development with basic functions working, commercial plugin - if you're interested in buying this get in touch). Release planned for end June.
Gmail - email plugin for Geeklog. On hold.


-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small

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I a plugin for that. Nothing complex.

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That would be best and take the load off the administrators.


-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small

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OK I'll make one tonight or tomorrow.
Click here for development thread

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