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{readmore_link} style

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Hi there folks!

I forgot where I can do this - I need to change the style of the more link, and the "(xxx words)" text. Where can I do that? I mean, can I add a style to this? Where can we change styles from some variables?



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Look in style.css in your layout folder.

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Well, I may be wrong, but as far as I can tell, at this particular tag has no style pre-defined - that is, it follows the general table style.

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You could open your storytext.thtml and topstorytext.thtml and wrap a style around the {readmore_link}.


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good tip! I thought about it (and i bet it will work), but I was thinking about other tags that has styles embedded on them - is that possible to change them?

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I don't understand what you mean Do you have an example?


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See, the tag {contributedby_user}, for example: it's not wrapped in any style, but it does contain a style preprogrammed, saved into the variable.

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well you need to play detective, a bit
(at least this is what I would do)

looking at the storytext.thtml again it shows a line like this:
Text Formatted Code
{lang_contributed_by} {start_contributedby_anchortag}{contributedby_user}{end_contributedby_anchortag}


'start_contributedby_anchortag' looks promising, so I do a fulltext searc on it through my geeklog directory, what normally leads to a line in lib-common.php

In this case it leads me to this:

Text Formatted Code
        $article->set_var( 'start_contributedby_anchortag',
                    '<a class="storybyline" href="' . $_CONF['site_url']
                    . '/users.php?mode=profile&uid=' . $A['uid'] . '">' );

so here we have a style we can change in the css file.

I'm sure that ain't the most professional way, but so far it worked for me


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It surely helps!!! Thanks!

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While geKow's method is certainly helpful (I have used it many times), another method is to view the source of the page you want to change. Look for the text whose style you want to edit and see if it already has a class or id declaration.

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yes... that to be honest... this is normaly my first step.... I just forget



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Don't be sorry. Doing a full-text search through the Geeklog core files is one of the best ways to find something. I do it all the time, and wish more people would do it more often.

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That was also my step. However, that might be situations where you want to define a different style for a particular element, so this solutiong was just great.

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Quote by oculos: That was also my step. However, that might be situations where you want to define a different style for a particular element, so this solutiong was just great.

Just to make sure we're on the same page, if you want to define a new css class/style, best to do it in the theme file. Stay away from the core files as much as possible.

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sure, sure, but the problem is that some themes uses the same style for many different variables, which might require some tweaking as the ones commented here.

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