Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, February 18 2025 @ 11:45 pm EST

Geeklog Forums

Major Bug in Forum 2.3 for upgrades.



This is a bug if you upgrade to Forum 2.3 from a previous one.

I had this content in my previous forum topics:
Text Formatted Code

Hey there,

I'm staying in tonight, as I am a bit tired & sore & looking for

quiet. :| This too shall pass!!!

As for next week, how about MonDAY, 26TH, @3:15, and Wednesday

at 3:00..  The rest we can work-out together.  The routine we

did on Thursday, was difficult, but very helpful!

I hope you are having an enjoyable week-end.  I am trying to be

low-keyed :question: Let me know what works?



As you see, I am using smileys that were invoked by the
Text Formatted Code
:D  :D  :D  


In my FORUM 2.2 things were very good, all the smileys show and all the text shows as it was input in the textbox area for the topic content.

In FORUM 2.3 - not only the ways smileys show changed, the text from my database is shown all in one line.

The smileys are shown through html thats encoded into the database table entry. Example - before it was
Text Formatted Code


now it is

Text Formatted Code

<img align=absmiddle src='images/smilies/eek.gif' alt='Eek!'>

So, I recommend DO NOT UPGRADE UNLESS this is fixed.




Now, i manualy have to edit the
Text Formatted Code

column in the table and change it from
Text Formatted Code

Text Formatted Code

in the FORUM 2.3 even though it was html in the FORUM 2.2 to make it look the same.

SO now the text shows properly, but the smileys are still not shown.

I will probably have ot replace all smileys with the HTML as opposed the
Text Formatted Code


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Well, I'd hardly consider this a *Major* bug -- as it does not effect core functionality, security or data integrity.

It does not impare the functionality of the forum only the presentation of a non-critical display feature.

I had 2.3 and it's 4 RC versions in Test for 3 months and this was never raised. A simple script is all that's needed to do the replacement.

Is anyone else freaking out Eek! about this?
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I agree...its not a major bug, but
if you have a website use to display important data to your clients, you dont want any discrepancy.

In my opinion its a major bug. After all, the way the topics are display is very messy and unreadable, since the whole topic is on one line.

Also, it means that you really didnt take into consideration such a simple thing as upgrading and seeing what will happen.

You never tested it. What a pity. I am going to reverse to the previous version immadietally, since it looks like you never even tested your new forum 2.3.

I hope you fix it and test it more thorougly.



My word. Someone needs to chill. This is Open Source code lean4huskytop. This means that a large part of the responsibility for testing must be assumed by the community to which it is released. This would certainly apply to conversions scripts, which will encounter varying types of data, obviously not all of which can be anticipated by a single person. The authors can generally test the code, but when bugs are found it is incumbent upon the community to kindly report, if possible even fix them. Since it seems you've found a small bug, there is no need to insult the author, claiming he never tested the code (which is clearly false). Simply report the problem and try to find a solution for it.

But if you just have to insult someone, insult Microsoft for charging $500 for fine looking programs that outright crash. And don't even hope to get online and talk to a Microsoft coder about anything, not even the weather. Whining about a little problem with smilies seems quite ridiculous, especially since you didn't pay a cent for the code. Rolling Eyes Don't you agree?


I disagree.

Whether its open source or not, it should be well known that bad code is bad code and should not be disseminated.

You should burn in hell along with your thinking. The reason why there are so many blogs: phpNuke, PostNuke, mambo, Geeklog etc etc...is due to folks like you and others who :
post their code out to the rest of the community, waste their time and pretend to be the "good" coders.

I totally disagree with you. I love geeklog and I like the forum, but I will not put up with such a silly mistake as Blaine has made. He just posted hes upgrade without even looking at it at all.

its a shame.


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Quote by lean4huskytop: its a shame.

Well, maybe you should ask for your money back? Oh, wait ...

I can only hope that after a good night's sleep you realize how much you've been overreacting on this one and that you then have the decency to post a honest apology to Blaine.

bye, Dirk



I aint going to appologize to anyone. He made me waste hours of my time.

I dont tolerate stupidity.
I will go to sleep and wake up the next day even more pissed.

Dirk - dont let me switch to Mambo - I was looking into that and it looks good.

And stop defending buggy coders cause that way one by one geeklog will loose its base.

I am surprised that you are defending him. You probably didnt even read my post in full.


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Hmmm... it might be a compleatly useless remark, "but
if you have a website use to display important data to your clients" based on the apperrance of smilies....

I wouldn't create such a thread of hate. My suggestion is to change to another cms, or even to another world, where presents and things you get for free are allways perfect.



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It is clear to me that lean4huskytop has never written a program of any complexity at all in his life.

I say that because when you say things like, "So-and-so has never written a line of code in his life" you invariably get some smartass coming back with, "Oh yeah? I wrote this:

Text Formatted Code
10 print "hello, world"

on my VIC-20 back in the day! or some other such nonsense.

If he ever had written a program of any complexity he would realize that Blaine is, as evidenced by the stability and reliability of his releases in general, a rather fine programmer, especially in the realm of open-source PHP CMS development. I can attest, having scoured the open-source PHP CMS world for quite a while before giving GL a try, that that world is at times full of awful, unreliable, unmaintainable code.

lean4huskytop, you're not interested in discourse, or you wouldn't enjoin anyone to
...burn in hell along with your thinking.

You don't know anything about open source or the motivations for Free software or you wouldn't "blame" the profusion and diversity of CMS systems on people who
...post their code out to the rest of the community, waste their time and pretend to be the "good" coders.

Those of us who bothered to read your post in full were most likely offended. Your charge at the intellectual high ground was foiled by such juicily ironic passages as:
...I aint going to appologize to anyone. He made me waste hours of my time.

I dont tolerate stupidity.

which contains two badly formed contractions, including one which is itself, not a word, as well as a simple misspelling.

Think about the situation you're in (see? contractions replace missing letters with an apostrophe!). You've gotten something for free and have a problem with it. You have direct contact with not only a community of fellow users, but the person who provided that gift to you in the first place. Instead of exercising a little common courtesy, you burst in here ranting and demanding attention as if you were an important customer instead of the recipient of a gift. The same problem, perhaps with a message something like, "How can I fix this issue, or should I roll back to the previous version?" would have netted you assistance and a lot of free work by people you've never met and you'll probably never help. Your mommy should have told you that you catch more flies with honey than with vinegar, huskytop.

I can't speak for the GL userbase, of course, but I for one won't be sorry to see the base lose you, and people like you, one by one.

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The forum works great for me, and for the price it can't be beat. The whole point of open-source software is YOU can change it yourself. So if there is a feature you want or a bug you want fixed then do it yourself, and release your fix back to the people who slaved over the features that do work.

Making personal attacks on someone who has donated MUCH MUCH time to make your site better, isn't a good way to make friends.

I think you should use Mambo, if you think their features are much better coded and the developers don't mind being told "You should burn in hell along with your thinking." then that seems to be the community for you. I doubt you will be missed around here.

It is ungrateful people like you that keep people like me from releasing things I am working on. I am pretty sure that if you had asked nicely Blaine would have fixed it. If your website does "display important data to your clients" perhaps you should be using a system that doesn't rely upon you not being a jerk to get bugs fixed.
Yes I am mental.

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well, jkottler and drshakagee... that's what I meant Wink




I didnt even read what you said - all of you .

Just fix that bug and tell all of your mothers you love them, because there is no hope for you

Laughing Out Loud


The only thing I have to say is that any web/portal/systems administrator worth their salt will *always* update/upgrade a *major* portion of their site in a test environment first...

See, you never update live production with code you've never seen before.. This way you can work out any quirks/bugs before hand without having to "shame" yourself with such a "horrific" error such as a smiley not showing.

Nothing here to see people except for inexperience... keep on movin..

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would someone mind to close that thread?

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Well at first, I felt a bit like after reading the posts and lean4brains's but then everyone jumped in and said what was on my mind as well. Now, I find it all pretty funny

Thanks everyone for supporting and recognizing the spirit, effort and value of opensource. It only takes a few like lean4brains to ruin it for so many of the silent yet appreciative users.

I realised this thread would have been so much better with more smilies so I just had to add them

Thanks folks
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what was that he said about the good the bad and the ugly coders?

why cant we all just be friends?

I love these new smilies! and oh look leanwhatever4, they work...

oh, and maybe its a good time to test out that code that bans ips

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It is way too obvious someone is a troglodyte in puberty.
Victor B. Gonzalez -



Looks like my post generated a big response in the asian community.

You all sound like asian gay bois with little d... who need an older brother to make their lifes complete

Did you tell your mothers you love them?
Also mention to your father that your mother is an asian libra.

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Okay, I really think it's time to close this thread ...

bye, Dirk

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