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zclassifieds for 1.3.9

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Registered: 01/03/04
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I just upgraded my zclassifieds for geeklog 1.3.9 and now when users try to upload pictures to advertise. The second image is not showing up and the thumbnail picture looks like a sepia print. I am using GD library to handle the resizing .....speaking of resizing ....It keeps telling me that the image is over 300k and the image size is not! Is this a bug in the code or something? Any help would be helpful.

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Registered: 01/03/04
Posts: 65
Well I figured it out.......in the functions.inc (../../plugins/advt/functions.inc) change this:

function makeThumb( $scrFile, $dstFile, $dstW=120, $dstH=100 )
global $_CONF;
$im = ImageCreateFromJPEG( $scrFile );
$srcW = ImageSX( $im );
$srcH = ImageSY( $im );
$ni = ImageCreate( $dstW, $dstH );
ImageCopyResized( $ni, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $dstW, $dstH, $srcW, $srcH );
ImageJPEG( $ni, $dstFile );

to this

function makeThumb( $scrFile, $dstFile, $dstW=120, $dstH=100 )
global $_CONF;
$im = ImageCreateFromJPEG( $scrFile );
$srcW = ImageSX( $im );
$srcH = ImageSY( $im );
$ni = ImageCreateTrueColor( $dstW, $dstH );
ImageCopyResized( $ni, $im, 0,0,0,0, $dstW, $dstH, $srcW, $srcH );
ImageJPEG( $ni, $dstFile );

Hope this helps anyone with incorrect colors using GD Lib with ZClassifieds!

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Registered: 07/22/02
Posts: 50
Same problem here. It keeps saying the image is more than 300k when it is not.

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Registered: 07/22/02
Posts: 50
Another isuue is that the email address of the user is actually shown with the ad. Is there any way to hide it and replace it with "geeklog email"?

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Registered: 01/03/04
Posts: 65
I noticed that if the image size dimensions are around 320 X 240 and it is under 300k. I dont get the javascript error message. I am going to look more into this and the email over the weekend, when I dont have too many distractions....... Unless someone beats me to punch....if so .... report it here in the forums to help the rest of us out.

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Quote by dewdoo: I just upgraded my zclassifieds for geeklog 1.3.9 and now when users try to upload pictures to advertise. The second image is not showing up and the thumbnail picture looks like a sepia print.

I realized that I wasn't very specific about the changes to the latest release. Sorry for any inconvienience more info here

Quote by dewdoo:It keeps telling me that the image is over 300k and the image size is not!

My question is whether the image gets uploaded. I tried it (without GD however) and got the same message warning but after all the image got uploaded.
Quote by enigmah:Is there any way to hide it and replace it with "geeklog email"?

Well actually that was the idea at some point before we released it to the public. I still have this version of detail.php file. If anyone's interested I can send you a copy.
This should be a part of configuration option however I'm not that good at php to achieve this Oops!
Geeklog Polish Support Team

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Quote by enigmah: Another isuue is that the email address of the user is actually shown with the ad. Is there any way to hide it and replace it with "geeklog email"?

Further to my latest post you can always remove the following lines from detail.php

Text Formatted Code
echo "<td width="20%" height="20">E-mail</td>n";
echo "<td width="80%" height="20"><a href="mailto:{$user['email']}">{$user['email']}</a></td>n";

And use the Ask Question option. It's basically same function but the privacy is kept.

Geeklog Polish Support Team

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Registered: 04/14/04
Posts: 8
how do i get rid of the 'new' image that comes up next to a new category?
How long does that image last?
How do i change the order of categories? (default seems to be alphabetical)

thanks for any help!

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Registered: 04/14/04
Posts: 8
Just in response to the 'removing email' thing.

Even if you remove those lines, a persons email address can still be seen in the link for "ask question".

Is there a way to mask this?

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Right. I'm investigating this. I'll let you know the results as soon as I can.
Geeklog Polish Support Team

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Quote by spirshi: Just in response to the 'removing email' thing.

Even if you remove those lines, a persons email address can still be seen in the link for "ask question".

Is there a way to mask this?

The quick fix would be this
Text Formatted Code
echo "<td width="80%" height="20">{$user['fullname']} | <a href="{$_CONF['site_url']}/profiles.php?uid={$user[uid]}"><b>Ask Question</b></a></td>n";

Replace the current line with Ask Question with the one above. This will use GL built in mail utility.
Let me know if it works OK.
Geeklog Polish Support Team


wow, you're doing a great job keepin up with the plugin. definitely appreciate it!

do you know how i can make it so that the 'RIGHT side blocks' dont show up when someones checking the classifieds? like how this forum plugin works.

when it leaves the right blocks, my page becomes too wide.


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Quote by spirshi: how do i get rid of the 'new' image that comes up next to a new category?

Edit index.php (for the plugin) and look for new.gif. Locate it and delete (if you want to get rid of it)
Quote by spirshi:How long does that image last?

I can't quite make out the formula it's something like this
Text Formatted Code
$subcatsrow['add_date'] > $time - 3600 * 24 * 3 ? $isnew = "<img src="images/new.gif" align="top">" : $isnew = "";

Quote by spirshi:do you know how i can make it so that the 'RIGHT side blocks' dont show up when someones checking the classifieds? like how this forum plugin works.

At the bottom of each file there is something like COM_siteFooter(true) just get rid of the true
Geeklog Polish Support Team


I was wondering, how can i display an image on the top of the zClassifieds page, just above the menu.. I have a small image of a newspaper ad i wanna place on top..

http://lostgaijin.its-my-life.net/advt/index.php my site now

and i wanna place this image..

I dont know what file to add this link to and or what code i need to write..im a newbie... pls help...

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