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Images in html story

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Is there a way when I write a story to have html picture links within the text. So if I am copying and pasting a article from a content provider with a link to a picture on their site or filed with them that I it will make the link work, and I wont have to write the picture down in the image spaces below a story.


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You have to allow the use of the img tag - see the FAQ for details.

And, of course, you should ask the site you're linking to if that is okay with them, as you are increasing their traffic if you link to their images.

bye, Dirk


ya i tried that but it wont work, I have a story that is several paragraphs long and in the middle is a img tag like:

<table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1" border="1" width="155"> <tr align="center"><td>Streaming Video Preview of</b><br><a href="http://www.eaglevisionusa.com/video/Mole.rm"></a><BR><b>"Celebrity Mole Hawaii"</td></tr></table>

it still wont let this through.

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Maybe it's just your cut-and-paste into the forum, but I don't see a single tag in your code sample...I think what you're looking for, however is this, added in your geeklog/config.php file:

Text Formatted Code

//add to $_CONF['user_html'] or $_CONF['admin_html']:

 'img'    => array('src' => 1, 'alt' => 1, 'align' => 1,
                   'border' => 1, 'width' => 1, 'height' => 1),


now, if you're trying to use the href link to an .rm file, you're not going to get an image, no matter how hard you try. an img needs to be (for practical purposes) a .gif, .jpg or .png file.


That didnt come through at all can you try it again. I cant get anything to work using an img allow and a a href allow or anything. How could I allow a .rm file or anything like that a .swf for instance?


Here is another type of image link i am trying to use.

<P align="left"><table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr align="center"><td>MusicDish Network Sponsor<BR><a href="http://www.xxxxxxxxxyyyyzzz.com"></a></td></tr></table>

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Try googling after som html help.

Or this site.

Fist i found, have an ok description on tags.


Here is a link to a page on my site here

you can see if you look through some of the articles. i dont need html help i just am trying to get full access for posting under the admin. i need to have files that are embedded into html formated stories posted that draw images from other sites and have followed all the FAQ's with no avail. So any help would be awesome.

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If you are trying to put a image in ie a story, you ned to use the img-tag.

Ie link in the geeklog-logo, do this:

Text Formatted Code
<img src="http://www.geeklog.net/layout/XSilver/images/logo.gif" width="183" height="70" border="0">


And to put a link to that img, do this:

Text Formatted Code
<a href="http://www.geeklog.net"><img src="http://www.geeklog.net/layout/XSilver/images/logo.gif" width="183" height="70" border="0"></a>


EDIT: Assuming you have put those tags in your config.php as suggested prior in this tread.

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Been looking on your site, here on your link to us page.

Also there you need to include the img-tag so your user can link to your site with those banners you have.

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If you use the HTMLArea with ImageManager which is available here. You can copy and past an entire page directly to your story and the photos will be automatically linked.

But, like Dirk said, make sure you have permission to do so.




i do have permission i syndicate news from a guy and he said he would cut off my content if the images werent displayed but he also knew it was a scripting issue and is giving me a little room

Thanks guy Ill try that link

i was really in a bind


No dice on that although very cool.

Here is what i need.
1. I get emails formatted in html to post on my site from providers. In those html stories are image links like this:

&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot;&gt;&lt;b&gt;Robbie Cooper - The Way Rock Should Be&lt;/b&gt;
&lt;br&gt;By Ben Ohmart, &lt;a href=&quot;http://www.xxxxyyyy.com&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;&lt;IMG SRC=&quot;http://www.musicdish.com/z_md/md_w125.gif&quot; WIDTH=&quot;125&quot; HEIGHT=&quot;20&quot; BORDER=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;

&lt;p align=&quot;center&quot;&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;http://www.cccccc.com/cd/robbiec/from/musicdish&quot; target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;&lt;img src=&quot;http://cccc.com/mcccc.network/default.php?img_cl=bandfront.jpg&quot; width=&quot;300&quot; height=&quot;199&quot; hspace=&quot;2&quot; vspace=&quot;2&quot; border=&quot;0&quot;&gt;&lt;/a&gt;

What I need is these image links to show up and they are not there are just boxes shown where the actual images should be.

Is there a way or a setting that i need to turn on or off to allow these to be shown.

I added the img tad to the config.php file and it wouldnt allow the images to be shown.

I also tried everything else that people and FAQ's have suggested also I have over 70 stories with these tags in the stories that just need to be activated for lack of better words.

If anyone has any idea that would be great


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Quote by Jeff:
What I need is these image links to show up and they are not there are just boxes shown where the actual images should be.

Just a thought: can you link to the images directly? Do they work if you put the img src in a new, blank (non-GL) page? There is the possibility that the source site could be blocking non-local referrers...Tripod.com is annoying about not allowing remote linking, for example.


they work perfectly, try the ones posted above, I just dont know what else to do I would think that they would work since i have orking href tags bold tags strong tags etc.

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After you post, click EDIT. Is the HTML that you see correct? Or was something stripped out?


The html tags like "a href" and "b" and "stong", "italic" are showing up but there are no images being displayed in the post. The article looks fine minus the images. The tags are present to call the images from the link but they are not showing up also the borderrs which should surround the images and frame them but again no images.

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Ok, so the actual HTML in the story is identical after you post it?


Yes correct the html works as far as links etc type style, but there are some instances where the html is stripped from an article or story where dialougue between two people is colored different colors not really what i am too worried about right now. I am more concerned with the images working.

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Well, I've tried posting the code in a story on my own site and it works perfectly. If the correct source is not stripped out, then it doesn't seem like a Geeklog issue, to me. Can you point to different images on other servers?

Also, it would help if you linked us to a story on your site that is not working.

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