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Hi folks

I wrote a plugin, that others might be interested in. I managed to convince the folks at the college I work for, to consider Geeklog for the Intranet (an maybe our Internet site). However, we have loads and loads of static pages and needed some kind of menu system that won't grow endlessly down the side of the page. So, I wanted a block with a main menu and a block with sub-menu items for the selected main menu item. Blockmenu, consists of a plugin that an administrator uses to add main and sub-menu items. It also uses, either two blocks for a main menu and a sub-menu, or one block for the main menu with the sub-menu embedded in it. The reason I created the second option was because it is not possible at this point to change the title of the sub-menu block, except if you create it as an embedded block in the first.

Anyhow, if anybody is interested in the plugin/block Blockmenu, it is available on sourceforge at: http://sourceforge.net/projects/blockmenu/. I would appreciate any feedback, comments and if anyone decides to use it I would like to link to your site on the Blockmenu sourceforge homepage (which I haven't created yet).


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I'll take a look and let you know my findings

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got an error:

Text Formatted Code

Thu Apr  8 23:14:02 2004 - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' bm_order_index=0' at line 1. SQL in question: INSERT INTO blockmenu_index SET bm_label="test test ", bm_url="www,destr0yr.com", bm_onswitch=, bm_order_index=0


-- destr0yr
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams

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Janetta: this one is really nice and works like charme (for now ;p)
I have one suggestion: I would love to have a button or something to collapse the submenu.


Oh... and another one: what about the chance to add an url to a topmenu? (like to the overviewpage)


Hi destr0yr
I think what went wrong here is that you tried to add a submenu item without having first added a main menu item to which the sub-menu item should belong. I should add the code to avoid this. I'll try to do this soon. In the meantime, try adding a main menu item first and see if it doesn't work.


Quote by destr0yr: got an error:

Text Formatted Code

Thu Apr  8 23:14:02 2004 - 1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax.  Check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ' bm_order_index=0' at line 1. SQL in question: INSERT INTO blockmenu_index SET bm_label="test test ", bm_url="www,destr0yr.com", bm_onswitch=, bm_order_index=0



Hi geKow

I should be able to do both these things quite easily. Can you just give me an idea of why you would want to collapse the sub-menu? Are you just thinking of a button on the main menu to collapse it and leave it collapsed until the button is pressed again (toggle) or are you thinking in terms of a configuration option.?


Quote by geKow: Janetta: this one is really nice and works like charme (for now ;p)
I have one suggestion: I would love to have a button or something to collapse the submenu.


Oh... and another one: what about the chance to add an url to a topmenu? (like to the overviewpage)

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Toggle would be great for me, abit like + and - !

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Quote by jannetta: Hi destr0yr
I think what went wrong here is that you tried to add a submenu item without having first added a main menu item...

yes, this is exactly what i did. I like doing things the hard way first...

-- destr0yr
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams

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Where can I see this menu block working?

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Hi eniqmah
Unfortunately our college Intranet site is not accessible to the outside world and I'm busy setting up my own websites again after a server failure. Once they are up and going I'll drop a message here. If anyone else gets a site going with the Blockmenu, please let us know.

Quote by enigmah: Where can I see this menu block working?

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Quote by enigmah: Where can I see this menu block working?

You can see it on my site, I "transfered" and expanded my top menu for testing The block menu is labeled "Menü (experim) on the left side.



edit: sorry, I killed it. Will try the next release ASAP

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One thing I've noticed, the url in the adress bar becomes very big if you switch between menus!

Ie on if I were to click on three main headings one after the other the address would be


Could it be revised so its only the first blockmenu element that has the number updated?

So if I was on

And click on my second menu it becomes

and not



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Hi Dazzy

That is a mistake on my part. I'll fix it!


Quote by Dazzy: One thing I've noticed, the url in the adress bar becomes very big if you switch between menus!

Ie on if I were to click on three main headings one after the other the address would be


Could it be revised so its only the first blockmenu element that has the number updated?

So if I was on

And click on my second menu it becomes

and not


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Hi folks

I have uploaded version 1.0.2 of blockmenu onto sourceforge http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=105515. This version now has:
1) the collapsable sub-menu that geKow requested. I'm not sure whether it is what he meant, but it is there!
2) I have also removed the header of an empty sub-menu.
3) fixed the expanding URL that Dazzy mentioned
4) You can add a URL to the main menu, but I still need to add a description field to the database, because, at the moment the text for the url is the URL itself, which obviously is not acceptable.
5) Because I wasn't to sure what geKow wanted with the collapsable sub-menu, I created a new block that displays the menu in one block with the submenu below the main menu item, rather than in a separate block. The sub-menu is also collapsable.

Well, let me know what you guys think.


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I have 3 mainitems in the menu, each mainitem has a submenu.
If I'm on the page of a submenu-item in main-item 1 and click on main-item 2 the menu collapses as it should do, but I'm still seeing the same page (the submenu item of main-item 1). Is that correct?

I've downloaded version 1.02, but in the source it says it's still version 1.01!! How can I make a separate URL/page for a mainitem ?
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
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Hi Jannetta

Thanks for this menu - works great

I have a problem and am not sure if it is related to the blockmenu - all the pages open in a new window from the blockmenu so that I end up with many open windows - is there something I can change this ???


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Location:The Netherlands, where else?
Just remove the http://www.yourdomain.com/

Greetz from Holland
Dutch Geeklog sites about camping/hiking:
www.kampeerzaken.nl | www.campersite.nl | www.caravans.nl | www.caravans.net

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How does this compare with Menu 1.6?

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Thanks Beewee - will try it out

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Hi ronack - I haven't tried menu 1.6 - I guess the advantage of blockmenu is if you have a large numer of menu items and can use a category system

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