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Forum subject-line question.m

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Registered: 02/29/04
Posts: 13
I've noticed that when I post messages on my forum, the periods that I use as an ellipsis in my subject line get stripped out.


Forum subject-line questions....m

gets changed to:

Forum subject-line questions.m

On the boards I've posted on in the past, the "m" just means there's more to the message (duh). So it's just a habit to put that there. It's no big deal really, but I'd like to change it to not do that, if possible, without compromising anything.

I did a search for this but didn't come up with anything, so I'm sorry if this has been brought up before.

BTW, I upgraded to 2.3 and I really like the changes made so far. I just need to make it blend with my site a little better.

This problem happened on the previous version too.




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Registered: 07/16/02
Posts: 1232
You can do this but not without modifying code. I did not consider that users may want to change this.

Look at lines 173 in viewtopic.php - and edit as you need.
Text Formatted Code

    if(strlen($subject) > $viewtopicnumchars)  {
        $subject = substr($subject, 0, $viewtopicnumchars);
        $subject .= "..";


I'm glad you like the changes -- you really should try adding the glMessenger plugin as well Smile
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Registered: 02/29/04
Posts: 13
Quote by Blaine:I'm glad you like the changes -- you really should try adding the glMessenger plugin as well Smile

As a matter of fact, I was looking at it this morning. Wink I think it might be a good addition to my site.

Thanks for the help on the code...I'll give it a try!



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