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Link Admin

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Now that I'm registered, can I get link admin control over my link?

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I don't think people on this site are normally given Link Admin privs. If you really want something changed, it might be best to e-mail Dirk.

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I think there's no reason not to allow that. Not only does disallowing it causes a site to eventually have outdated links (or rather more than the least possible), but it actually gives the webmaster more work because the users send him avoidable e-mail messages and then s/he has to fix the links her/himself. But this is Dirk's site after all, so that's his call.

Speaking of which, if I do want to do this, how can I really define a "default" group for logged on users?

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Quote by LWC: I think there's no reason not to allow that.

There is, actually. Since you have a Geeklog site yourself, why not try it out? Give Link Admin permission to one person to only those links that the person submitted ...

bye, Dirk

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That's what I want. But I don't know how to make every logged on user a link admin (or any other group) per default.

But if it may cause to the destruction of my site and life as we know it, I'm sure you'll warn me first...;-)

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Quote by LWC: That's what I want. But I don't know how to make every logged on user a link admin (or any other group) per default.

Which would mean that any logged-in user can add, change, and delete any links on your site (or at least a large part of them). Is this really what you want?

To make this work, you would need to add a separate group for each user. Which explains why we can't give you access to your link here on geeklog.net, or everyone else would want the same thing. And I don't really feel like adding 300 new groups to the site ...

This could be considered a design flaw in Geeklog, but then again it wasn't really written with this in mind.

bye, Dirk

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Wait a minute, read Turias' last post in an old link admin post. He said "link admin" rights allow users to only edit their own links.

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Only if "Link Submission" is off. But that wouldn't be good to do on a public site such as this one since anyone would be able to spam the site with inappropriate links.


Question Is there a way to add sub-categories to the Links section?
Say I wanted to have a section for Curriculum links, then further broken-down sections of Curriculum-Language Arts, Curriculum-Math, etc etc.

I've tried doing Curriculum/Math (didn't work, showed up as an entirely new top category) and I've done a search here on the site but couldn't find anything. Thanks!

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Quote by Carrie: Question Is there a way to add sub-categories to the Links section?

You need phplinks, which you can find at Squatty's site.


Too many hands on my time.


Thanks Chuck! I'm downloading it now. Big Grin

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Good luck with it. Glad I could help.

Too many hands on my time.

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