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upage v 2.0 released!

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Hey folks,

My upage plugin now has its own native photo upload, with an easy way to include photos in pages without knowing HTML. There is also support for 'plain text' pages for people who do not know HTML.

Be sure to read all of the below very carefully! And be sure to edit the plugin's config.php after installing but before using!



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BTW, if you wish to try it out please use this site for testing :


and not my beer site.

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*laffs* sorry Smile

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Got an error on install

Template Error: filename: file ./F:/geeklog/plugins/upage/templates/install.thtml does not exist.

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Here is your random photo block.

Put it in /path/to/geeklog/plugins/upage/functions.inc

It will be there by defaut in the next release

Text Formatted Code

function phpblock_UPIC_random()
        global  $_TABLES;
        global  $_CONF;
        global  $LANG_UPAGE;

        $num    = DB_count( $_TABLES['upic'] );
        $pic    = mt_rand( 1, $num );

        $sql    = "SELECT *, 'center' as xalign, 'phpblock' as xmode, "
                        . " 'small' as xscale, 1 as xlink "
                        . " FROM {$_TABLES['users']}, {$_TABLES['upic']} "
                        . " WHERE {$_TABLES['users']}.uid = {$_TABLES['upic']}.upic_uid "
                        . " ORDER BY {$_TABLES['upic']}.upic_uploaded DESC LIMIT " . $pic;

        $result = DB_query( $sql );
        if ( ! $result )
        while ( $pic = DB_fetchArray( $result ) )
                $myPic  = $pic;

        $retr   = UPIC_Show( $myPic );

        return $retr;



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Quote by ronack: Got an error on install

Template Error: filename: file ./F:/geeklog/plugins/upage/templates/install.thtml does not exist.

Interesting. I'll look into it. May be a windows problem.

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I think it has to be either a permissions problem on your end, or you installed it incorrectly. I checked the original distribution and it contains that file (and a bunch of junk I do not need so will delete on the next release ;-)). Check the last item below. The file is the same one you downloaded :

heimat# tar tzf /home/www/secure.neap.net/vdirs/download/upage20.tar.Z | grep template

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To me it looks like it put in a ./ in front of the path. Where would it do that?

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On your instruction page it doesn't point to upage20 (you might want to change that), so I downloaded that replaced all the files and received the same error. Still looks like a stray ./ in front of the path.

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Just received the plugin. I will be attempting to do an upgrade this evening. I will let you know if any problems or whatnot.

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O.k. I just tried upgrading it... didnt work.. I also tried installing it which also didnt work. Here is the error
Template Error: filename: file ./C:/Aeonserv/geeklog/plugins/upage/templates/install.thtml does not exist.

When I did the 1.2 install, I had to edit install.php and delete that line, then run the install again. After running the install, I put that very same line back into place and everything worked. This does not happen with 2.0, not sure why.

running upgrade.php, I get the following:
Your upage version : 2.0
Current upage version : 2.0
This is the upgrade program for the upage plugin. It will make some changes to your upage table (one new field for 1.1, one more for 1.2), so please be sure to back up your database before running it, just in case

If you did not already unpack the tarfile to overwrite your previous installation, please do so now.

Full installation instructions are here : http://www.bodensatz.com/upage/?page=install

This program only upgrades one upage version at a time. This means that you have to return to this Uprade Home and clicking on the recommended upgrade below, until you finally get the message 'no upgrade required'. So if you are currently using version 1.0, you will see 'Upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1'. You click it and when you return to this page, you will see 'Upgrade from 1.1 to 1.2' and so on. Keep doing this until you see 'no upgrade required'

No upgrade required.

So there shouldn't be any problems, right...wrong. when I click on the upage link I get a blank screen.

I am gonna play around with it and see what's up. I may even get rid of 1.2 all together, then try installing 2.0.. Will let ya know what happens (If I get time to do anything)

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upage.tar.Z is softlinked to upage20.tar.Z - same thing

You windoze guys - get a real OS would ya's ;-)
I tested both the fresh install and the upgrade on my UNIX system and they both worked fine. Tested on 2 different websites.

Send me your /path/to/geeklog/plugins/upage/config.php after you edited it as well as your regular geeklog config.php and I'll figure it out.


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Quote by TechSys:running upgrade.php, I get the following:
Your upage version : 2.0
Current upage version : 2.0

Before you did anything? Very odd.

The first one gets pulled out of the DB, the second is hardcoded in the script. Check your 'plugins' table in your DB to see what version number is in there.

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Quote by ronack: To me it looks like it put in a ./ in front of the path. Where would it do that?

The path in question is compiled thusly

$_CONF['path'] . 'plugins/upage/templates/install.thtml'

So what is your $_CONF['path'] set to?

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I'm going to rewrite that code to get rid of the template. I don't like templates, anyway, and this is one of the few pieces of code I just used verbatim from someone else. If the kids stay calm I may have it ready later this evening ;-)

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OK, evil templates now gone.

Replace your install.php with this file :


(rename it .php obviously)

And if it works I'll update the tarball download to include it. Worked fine on my UNIX system.

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I was getting an error that file_get_contents (line 16 of include.phpi) was an undefined function. Low and behold, it only came into existance in PHP4 >= 4.3.0. My host has 4.2.x

To fix it, i added the following above line 16, as suggested at http://ca2.php.net/file_get_contents
Text Formatted Code

if (!function_exists("file_get_contents")) {
          function file_get_contents($filename, $use_include_path = 0) {
            $data = ""; // just to be safe. Dunno, if this is really needed
            $file = @fopen($filename, "rb", $use_include_path);
            if ($file) {
              while (!feof($file)) $data .= fread($file, 1024);
            return $data;


-- destr0yr
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams

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OK, but your DB will not be populated with the readme, install and most importantly help page

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Whoops, sorry - my bad. Yes, that will fix it. I'll add that to my code

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also, on any image upload, i get the following errors:

Text Formatted Code

Warning: fopen("/homepages/12/d88571136/htdocs/okg/public_html/upage/upic/2/Picture007.jpg", "r") - No such file or directory in /homepages/12/d88571136/htdocs/okg/plugins/upage/functions.inc on line 1100

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /homepages/12/d88571136/htdocs/okg/plugins/upage/functions.inc on line 932

Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /homepages/12/d88571136/htdocs/okg/plugins/upage/functions.inc on line 933


the file is successfully saved, but its telling me that it doesnt exist, when in fact it does? i set perms to 777 just to test...
uhh... yah...
one last (nitpicky) thing, if images have spaces, it borks... maybe something that removes the spaces and renames the file? Mr. Green
-- destr0yr
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams

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