Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Tuesday, September 17 2024 @ 11:18 am EDT

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SQL Table doesn't exist


SQL Table doesn't exist
Table 'mydb.gl_blocks' doesn't exist. SQL in question:
SELECT is_enabled FROM gl_blocks WHERE name
= 'whosonline_block'

This error occured after I wrote an article and
attached a picture. Geeklog wrote the picture would be
too big (640x480 instead of 300x300).
I hit the browsers back button, reselected the picture
(which I resized to 300x300), and saved the
article again. GL responded with a blank page containing "An
SQL error has occured. Please see error.log for
details." I then took a look at error.log and it
contained the following:
Table 'mydb.gl_blocks' doesn't exist. SQL in question:
SELECT is_enabled FROM gl_blocks WHERE name
= 'whosonline_block'

Now I can't use GL any more, every page I try reports
the same SQL error message.

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Site Admin
Registered: 01/12/02
Posts: 13073
Location:Stuttgart, Germany
So does the table gl_blocks still exist in your database? And what about the other tables?

I see you also submitted this as a bug, but I very much doubt that it is one (Geeklog doesn't even contain code that could delete a table). To me, it sounds more like a problem on your end, i.e. with MySQL.

bye, Dirk


The problem is, I currently have no access to my webhosts phpmyadmin to check the tables (will be done in 3 days) and all the other scripts that use the same server and database, my forum, a newsscript etc. still do work.

Geeklog worked too, but suddenly it displayed that error. I did not change any files except the .css and the footer.thml.
But this seems not to be the problem, because everything did work before. Just from one second to another it didn't.

That's why I submitted this as a bug.

I hope we can find a solution. Confused


Strange thing. I get an error, but a friend of mine can actually see the page. You can probably too. But I can't, so I deleted the cookies but the error still exists.
Meanwhile I restartet the install.php, but it reported an error, so I gave up.

btw: the error message in error.log is now:
Sam 10 Jan 2004 16:29:01 CET - 1104: The SELECT would examine more rows than MAX_JOIN_SIZE. Check your WHERE and use SET SQL_BIG_SELECTS=1 or SET SQL_MAX_JOIN_SIZE=# if the SELECT is ok. SQL in question: SELECT COUNT(*) AS count from gl_stories WHERE (tid IN ('Aktuell','General','Webseite'))

The solution is near...


It works, well not really.

Deleting the cookies was not enough. I connected again to the internet to get another IP, the deleted the cookies again, and I could see the page. Big Grin

Then I logged in and the error message was there again. Evil

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Forum User
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Registered: 10/20/03
Posts: 807
Your friend can see it but you can't? Have you tried different browsers? Also, try logging in as a different user.


That's right. But it has nothing to do with the browser I use, it depends on cookies an IP. That means when I delete the cookies and change my IP, I can see it too, but once I log in, the error returns.

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