Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, September 01 2024 @ 12:46 am EDT

Geeklog Forums

Improved the commentform (form generation)



I just downloaded geeklog, and I think it's great. Thanks for the nice work and all. Unfortunately I found it too 'heavy' so I strip almost everything I didn't want....

Anyways, here is an little improvement I made, you might consider making it a default (i know it's just a single line, but I went through the work of understanding how geeklog works just to modify these little kinds of things) :

I added a couple of lines in comment.php, so that when you post a comment the title will be Re: old title, except if title already starts with 'Re:'.

Here is the php code:
L112 (in my file, might be different for you):
if (substr($title, 0, 3)!='Re:') { $title='Re: '.$title;

All times are EDT. The time is now 12:46 am.

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