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How to make a "last 5 logged in users" block

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Registered: 11/15/03
Posts: 7
Hi! Laughing Out Loud

I need some help in making a phpblock to show "last 5 logged in users" as the lastlogin field is located in another table than the username is i'm not sure how to do this.


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The Visitor Stats plugin has this feature. In fact, it shows you all users who logged in for a given day. You can see a working example of it here. You can download the plugin here.

Another option is a block I created that shows your current session information. I was having issues with remote IP addresses so I created this block to help debug. You can find the session block here.
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Registered: 11/15/03
Posts: 7
Thanks, i'll give it a try Smile

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Registered: 07/06/02
Posts: 324
in regards to squatty's session block, i had to change line 11 in remote.php from:

Text Formatted Code
$headers = getallheaders();



Text Formatted Code
$headers = $_SERVER['getallheaders()'];


-- destr0yr
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