Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Saturday, July 27 2024 @ 05:58 am EDT

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Execute blok in seperate window?


Hello Geeklog Community!

First thing - thanks all Developers for geeklog machine. I do appreciate. Respect!
And my question is: how to execute blok in seperate window? I would like to have the content of the block inside the frame - that's why i need it. Maybe is there any other solution?

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not sure what you mean exactly, have you given the iframe tag a whirl? If you're just trying to open a link from a block in a seperate window you can add target="_blank to your link tag.

Not sure what you mean though exactly but am certain someone can probably help Smile
Victor B. Gonzalez -

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HI, not talking about target of the link but content of the block Smile

Yes, I tried with iframe tag but there is necessary atribute SRC="URL" and I don't know how to specify this atribute. You can check this link to see the intended efect. Inside the frame I would like to have the content of the event block. Thanks all.


review the chatterblock code.

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It was realy helpful. I have done it. Peace and Love Geeks! Cool


this would be great but when i use the submit buton the page refreshes to the home page with the original chatterbloack on it ,,is there anyway to make the submit button refresh to new iframe page ive made ??
ps. i have manged to make the page refresh to the new iframe ive made but then no new post shows up ! im sure this is a logical thing im missing but its really doing my head in ...

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