Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, October 06 2024 @ 09:27 pm EDT

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Unable to post stories, but they show up under stories in the admin only box, no access to php.ini

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Registered: 10/23/03
Posts: 4
The site was up and working fine, but I am now unable to post sotries, they still show up under stories in the admin only box but they do not appear in thier topics or on the main page, I do not have access to php.ini to change register_globals=on , and I have tried editing storyeditor.thtml as the faq suggests but that didn't work either, anyone have any ideas?

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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by parallax1978: but I am now unable to post sotries, they still show up under stories in the admin only box but they do not appear in thier topics or on the main page

So the stories are saved, it seems (the FAQ covers a problem where stories aren't saved at all). That appears to be a problem with either the story and topic permissions or maybe you simple have the "draft" flag set for these stories.

bye, Dirk


I double checked both of those of every story, but that was not the case either, I am not sure what else it could possibly be...

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Registered: 10/23/03
Posts: 4
I think the problem may be that, the stories are being saved but index.php isn't being updated to display the changes, I have tried deleting one of the stories that is on the main page and when I do it no longer shows up under stories anywhere, however it still shows up on the main page, even after refreshing my browser. Does this sound like something that may be possible? And if so, any idea how to fix it?

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Registered: 01/12/02
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Location:Stuttgart, Germany
Quote by parallax1978: I have tried deleting one of the stories that is on the main page and when I do it no longer shows up under stories anywhere, however it still shows up on the main page, even after refreshing my browser.

Sounds like a caching issue. Are you using Safari by any chance? That one always suprises me with displaying week-old contents ...

bye, Dirk

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