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Very strange prob

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Hi all, I have a very strange prob concerning some right. The only acount that works fine is the original adminaccout which whas created at install. Whenever I try to make, let\'s say; a storyadmin, he can\'t edit the story\'s. Even when I give this person \'root\'-rights, nothing happens concerning the editing-part. Has anyone got any clue of what is happening here? Edit: Strange thing is: edit displays in the story, but when I click that link it says: I have no acces to that section (or something like that). Cheers, Dex.

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And also, everywhere when some comment is made, is says: after submitting, u get thanks from ..... (the dots indicate where Geeklog use to stand) and it\'s empy and directly after the dots, the day is displayed. Where can I modify that? Yet another prob when logging in as administrator, or when clicking home: Warning: stat failed for c:/inetpub/wwwroot/geeklog/public_html/admin/install (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in c:inetpubwwwrootgeeklogsystemlib-custom.php on line 111 P.s.: your geeklogfrontend is superb. I love it! It\'s just what I needed for my site. Thank\'s for sharing it with the world Big Grin Cheers, Dex.

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Is there absolutely no one that can help me?! Confused

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Dexter, how long has this site been up? Was this an upgrade from another version of geeklog? Or is this a new install? A couple notes:
Warning: stat failed for c:/inetpub/wwwroot/geeklog/public_html/admin/install (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in c:inetpubwwwrootgeeklogsystemlib-custom.php on line 111
Your paths is invalid, as you appear to be using windows, but you are using forward slash delimiters, instead of backslash delimeters.
Edit: Strange thing is: edit displays in the story, but when I click that link it says: I have no acces to that section (or something like that).
This sounds like a database/users problem. Have you read teh documentation on how to give rights to users, and tried creating a new user group with some explicitly given permissions? You may be able to determine if your permission system is working by creating a new group, and giving the specific permissions from teh bottom block of permissions that you want a user to have, then create a new user, and place him/her as a member of that group. Unless you have already assembled a lot of content, I would recommed that you do a fresh install and be very carefull following all of the instructions. You seem to have a number of problems which are unrelated. Maybe there is a developer who is more familiar with the system that would recognise this problem, but I think otherwsie you\'re going to be tracking down a lot of errors. If you have full control of your box, and are using windows, try installing aoenserv, which automatically isntalls and configures geeklog, mysql, apahce, etc... Sorry thats not a lot of help, but I didn\'t want to leave you hanging with nothing. Exaurdon~


Whenever I try to make, let\'s say; a storyadmin, he can\'t edit the story\'s. Even when I give this person \'root\'-rights, nothing happens concerning the editing-part. Has anyone got any clue of what is happening here?
I am having a similiar problem, only my site simply reloads the page with no messages as to why I can\'t administer ANYTHING. I did upgrade PHP recently, was there something in the new version that breaks? I am using PHP 4.3.3

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Exau, Thanks for replying!! More strange errors occur while we speak. I can\'t create any new user at this moment. Also a backup can\'t be made? Give\'s simular error as the one with the other directory. I\'m setting up a new server now with a fresh install of Windows 2000 Server and MSSql server in combination with IIS. The reason for this is, while I was at work today, I wanted to create a new user and the server at home went down at the moment I submitted that new user. I think this is the direct cause of not being able to add a user right now. Something horribly went wrong this morning. To answer your question: this was a fresh install of Geeklog. Dex.

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Probably totally unrelated, but what port is your web server?


oke. I have installed the log once more. Freshly installed Windows 2000 Server, mysql, php and geeklog. Everything went accoding plan, but... I still get the same errors and a new one! Whilst trying to make a backup it said: Warning: stat failed for /usr/bin/mysqldump (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in c:inetpubwwwrootgeeklogpublic_htmladmindatabase.php on line 77 What the .... is wrong??! I followed the install-instructies and did everything according the manual? What could this be? I\'m going insane! I want my Geeklog up and running, but when it\'s going like this, aaaarrrggghhhhh...

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Quote by dexter:Warning: stat failed for /usr/bin/mysqldump (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in c:inetpubwwwrootgeeklogpublic_htmladmindatabase.php on line 77
See here. bye, Dirk


Thanks for the fast reply Dirk, But I have allready altered the path to my mysql dumpbinarie, but it doesn\'t work either (same error). Any news on the strange errors as discribed above? Dex.

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Quote by dexter:But I have allready altered the path to my mysql dumpbinarie, but it doesn\'t work either (same error).
It can\'t be exactly the same error message if you\'ve changed the path. bye, Dirk


Oh goody!! The error concers the folder that I directed him to... Instead of /usr/bin/bladiebla it is now /bin/bladiebla... (I directed him to the correct folder where the binarie resides). But still nada! It\'s such a shame... The log looks absolutely stunning and is fun. But before I had the same errors and then I had to throw away the complete log without a backup. I still wonder what it is that only the admin-account has rights to mod, but no one else has? Even when it is someone\'s own story. Then even he can\'t edit it?? Dex.

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Quote by dexter: Oh goody!! The error concers the folder that I directed him to... Instead of /usr/bin/bladiebla it is now /bin/bladiebla... (I directed him to the correct folder where the binarie resides). But still nada!
You need to point it to the binary, not only to the directory.
Quote by dexter:I still wonder what it is that only the admin-account has rights to mod, but no one else has? Even when it is someone\'s own story. Then even he can\'t edit it??
This has been discussed so often here recently ... The Story Admin needs proper permissions for the topic, too. Since per default, the topics belong to the Topic Admin and the Topic Admin group, someone in the Story Admin group won\'t have permission to edit stories posted under those topics. So, in other words, make sure the topics belong to a group that your Story Admin is also a member of and it will work. bye, Dirk


Oke, I have put that user in the root, and now he can modify story\'s. But still if someone wrights a story, it\'s his, right? But he can\'t edit his own story, even when he\'s owner? Is that what you are trying to say? I will try to point it to the binary itself, complete you mean; so with the .exe behind it? Dex.

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Quote by Dexter: But still if someone wrights a story, it\'s his, right? But he can\'t edit his own story, even when he\'s owner?
To edit a story, you need the story.edit permission. It doesn\'t matter if you\'re the owner of the story or not.
Quote by Dexter:Is that what you are trying to say?
No. I was trying to say that if you give someone the story.edit permission (e.g. by making them a member of the Story Admin group) and they still can\'t edit stories, then that is because they don\'t have the proper permissions for the topic.
Quote by Dexter:I will try to point it to the binary itself, complete you mean; so with the .exe behind it?
Yes. bye, Dirk


Let me put it this way: the only way someone can edit a story on my log, is when I give him the \'root\'-rights! And that is something I\'m not planning on doing. Can you still not give me an answer to the first problem? Exaurodon\'s solution did not work. with the / and the ...

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Quote by dexter:Can you still not give me an answer to the first problem?
I\'ve already tried to explain it to you twice - you need to fix the topic permissions in Geeklog. bye, Dirk


Quote by dexter: Let me put it this way: the only way someone can edit a story on my log, is when I give him the \'root\'-rights! And that is something I\'m not planning on doing.
That is not asking you, that\'s saying what\'s the harsh reality on my site. On my log, that\'s the ONLY way to give -someone other than the root-admin- rights to change a story. But maybe I just don\'t understand what you are trying to tell me, forgive me Oops! And my first problem concerns this message when I click home: Warning: stat failed for c:/inetpub/wwwroot/geeklog/public_html/admin/install (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in c:inetpubwwwrootgeeklogsystemlib-custom.php on line 111 It\'s displays at the top of my page. Dex.

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Quote by dexter: But maybe I just don\'t understand what you are trying to tell me
I wrote an FAQ entry on the subject now - maybe that explains it better.
Quote by dexter:Warning: stat failed for c:/inetpub/wwwroot/geeklog/public_html/admin/install (errno=2 - No such file or directory) in c:inetpubwwwrootgeeklogsystemlib-custom.php on line 111
That is the \"Are you secure?\" block checking if the install directory still exists. If you\'ve removed the install directory and the block doesn\'t list any other problems, you can safely deactivate or remove that block. bye, Dirk

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