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Problem upgrading to 1.3.8

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Dear friends, I am trying to upgrade from 1.37 to 1.3.8 After amending my confi.php and lib-common.php, I went ahead to install. After the installation, I got the following message: \"1060: Duplicate column name \'is_default\'\" I tried seaching any note on geeklog pertaining to this error message but found none. Can anyone tell me what is this and what do I do? Thanks

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Registered: 01/08/03
Posts: 507
Well, there are these links. If you are getting this error, than you are not upgrading from 1.3.7 or you are doing a double install.. This column was introduced in 1.3.8.

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Dear Dwight YOu are probably right. I did a double install. Unfortunately, I forgot to back up my database (bummer) and now I am wondering if this error suggest that my database is corrupted. Is there any way for me to fix the database? Thanks for responding.

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Registered: 01/08/03
Posts: 507
Quote by barrywong: Dear Dwight YOu are probably right. I did a double install. Unfortunately, I forgot to back up my database (bummer) and now I am wondering if this error suggest that my database is corrupted. Is there any way for me to fix the database?
Actually the second, install probably didn\'t work. Assuming that the first upgrade worked properly, you should be ok. Does the site work or do you get other errors?

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Thanks for the assurance. The site is working. I am only concerned because of the error message that I received. Am wondering if I clobbered my database with the double install. If I read you correctly..., if the site works, then that probably means that the database is okay?! Can you please clarify. Thanks

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Registered: 01/08/03
Posts: 507
Quote by barrywong: If I read you correctly..., if the site works, then that probably means that the database is okay?! Can you please clarify. Thanks
That would be correct.

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Registered: 04/12/02
Posts: 95
Dear Dwight, Thanks for walking me thru this. Your assistance was invaluable. Thanks again.

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