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Image, image.gif had trouble being resized:

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This is the error given by GL when I try to upload a user image. Image, image.gif had trouble being resized: Now, imagemagick is setup and the path to mogrify is also set up. Can anyone lead me to where this issue may be coming from or why?? Thank you Smile

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Debugging these things is a pain in the you-know-where Frown Does it only happen with GIFs? If yes, that could mean that ImageMagick is missing the GIF support.. bye, Dirk

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Thanks for the info Dirk I appreciate it.

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Image, ScurvyDawg.jpg had trouble being resized: Same for Jpeg\'s Odd hey, umm the paths all seem correct and on the same server I have another site where this works fine?? Any tips would be helpful. Thank you.

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As I said, it's a bit of a pain to debug ... In usersettings.php find function saveuser and in that function, add the following 2 lines after $upload->setAutomaticResize(true);:
Text Formatted Code
$upload->setLogFile($_CONF['path'] . 'logs/error.log');
Then try again and check your error.log file. bye, Dirk

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Thank you and I have also asked about this error at the Imagemagick site. I appreciate your time.


I have the same problem.

Did you find a soloution?


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I was having this problem .. and just solved it.

I'd (stupidly) forgotten to UNCOMMENT the path to mogrify line in config.php (i.e. I'd filled in the path but hadn't deleted the two slashes at the neginning of the line .. I'm using imagemagick BTW).

Hope that helps someone else.


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Yes, Stavn I did find a resolution. I was not pointing to mogrify. I fixed my path and all has been fine for a long time now.


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