Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Wednesday, September 18 2024 @ 02:50 am EDT
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Registered: 08/22/03
Posts: 12
Hey all,
i would like to force people to register when they acces my page. I want to make my index just a login page, like the login block on the index page. Optimally, I would just like to capture that in a page and use it as my index. Then after they login, it would take them to my normal index. Is there any way to do this?
Thanks in advance,
i would like to force people to register when they acces my page. I want to make my index just a login page, like the login block on the index page. Optimally, I would just like to capture that in a page and use it as my index. Then after they login, it would take them to my normal index. Is there any way to do this?
Thanks in advance,
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Registered: 08/05/03
Posts: 92
Yea, if I understood correctly, you want anonymous users to just see one page on your site, and that\'s it.
Once they are registered, then they can see normal stuff as usual, right?
If that is a correct assumption, you gotta set the following:
1) Set all permissions on your TOPICS to have Anonymous unchecked
2) While you are at it, change the Access Rights Permission dropdown group from Topic Admin, to Story Admin
(check with Dirk, but I was banging my head for a while why I couldn\'t get people I put into Story Admin to edit stories)
If you want everyone to be able to post stories, then change the dropdown to Logged-in Users
3) Create a Static Page.
If you use HTML editor make sure you remove all the HEAD info, and just start with . GL takes care of HEAD info
Edit the page
Add to menu - unchecked
Centerblock - CHECKED
Position - Bottom of Page
Topic - Homepage only
Permissions - ALL OF THEM Checked (including Anonymous)
The reason why Position = bottom is good is that this way, your registered users will not have this info clutter their recent stories, Forum updates block (if you use one), etc.
I havent figured out how to have this static page NOT appear to registered users, but I\'m sure we\'ll get that one soon.
Take care, let us know how it goes.
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Quote by emagin:I havent figured out how to have this static page NOT appear to registered users, but I\'m sure we\'ll get that one soon.
Uncheck \"Members\".
However, you, as the Admin, will always see the page since Root permissions override anything else.
bye, Dirk
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