Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, February 17 2025 @ 06:35 am EST

Geeklog Forums

Feedback about Geeklog.net

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Registered: 05/27/03
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I want to express my concerns about this site. Since you have introduced the Forum it seems that no stories get published to the main site. Doesn\'t this in a way defeat the purpose of GL as a Blog? For instance the newest article is Augest 18th yet the newest Forum post is today. If I was using Geeklogs RDF feed I would have removed it by now because of no new stories in almost a month. I realize that you have a huge amount of people using the site, asking questions and providing answeres and if all that went on the site as a story/article then it may be overwhelming. However things that are of great interest should be brought forward as a story. Just something to consider.

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I came accross a site (I don\'t remember which one) that lists all CMS\'s for people to compare. And it also has RDF feed from Geeklog. A weblog hunter visiting that site would think Geeklog has not been active for a long time. So I agree with ronack\'s concern. Sam

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This site has never been so active as it has been in the past couple of months since the Forum was installed. This is the result of our site members desire to help each other and share ideas. The type of activity the articles were being used for does not really suit the GL story model - atleast not with the level of activity we were seeing and that has maybe doubled. A new article was easily falling off the main page and being lost within a day. Additional changes being planned for this site and it\'s layout. There are several roles that need to be addressed. - Community, Support and Marketing of Geeklog The articles are currently going to be used for Announcements, How To\'s and other key communication items. We need to transition to a more professional image for Geeklog. GL is a business solution as well as a solution for Hobbiest. This will translate to a different site layout. With respect to RDF Feeds for site activity. I will be working on releasing one for the Forum since that is where the activity is.
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An RDF feed for forum would definitly make them aware of the GL\'s activeness. Regarding the \"need to transition to a more professional image of Geeklog,\" we might first need to recruit those artistic people, who created really nice looking themes for themselves, and ask them to contribute one for GL. Such as WebBadass\'s platinum theme is outstanding. Another guy is that made www.chilaX.com. Just a brainstorming. Maybe you already have an artistic one in the team. GL is very powerful, but need some external facade to match it. Sam

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Yep, we have Simon aka knuckles on the job. He\'s the author of several of the original and classic themes.
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No offense. Please ask him to try harder, because as we have seen better jobs done by some of the users. Sam

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