Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Sunday, September 01 2024 @ 01:07 am EDT

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Links Category Block

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Before I start working on this I would like to make sure the I am not re-inventing the wheel. Has anyone developed a Links Category Block? Basically one that shows the categorys and number of links in each.

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A little help please... I created a block that lists the Link Categories. Basically I took the Top 10 Links Block and modified it. Here\'s my problem, the number next to the category list HITS. I would rather it list NUMBER OF LINKS. If someone could take a look and suggest a modification I would appreciate it. Thanks, Ron Ackerman Here is the function CatLink.txt

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I just discovered a problem, it lists a Category for each add. Back to the drawing board.

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I managed to get it all figured out and have uploaded the block. This was my first attempt at creating a block I called the file CatLinks.txt.

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