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Visitor Stats plugin: where is the geektools cgi link built?

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Visitor stats has a neat feature that allows doing a \"whois\" on a visitor IP address. It builds a link for the address that calls a cgi script on the geektools site. For example, a link might look like this: http://www.geektools.com/cgi-bin/proxy.cgi?query=192.168.1&btnGo=Query Only problem is, that CGI no longer exists. The link should be rewritten like this: http://www.geektools.com/whois.php?query=192.168.1&btnGo=Query I\'ve searched this site for references to this change and found nothing. Oddly enough, I thought I could just find a string with \"geektools.com\" somewhere in the visitor stats source which would be where the URL gets built, but I can\'t . I\'ve used grep to search within the source and can\'t find it. Seems like a really trivial change, but where does it go?

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my grep: grep -R \'geektools\' ./public_html Results: 2 lines in /plugins/stats/config.php The changes are easy. See you

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Seems geektools has ended the service through third party sites due to heavy traffic. Too bad.
John Nordquist,
Applications Specialist, medical Technologies

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Quote by jnordquist: Seems geektools has ended the service through third party sites due to heavy traffic. Too bad.

Well, you can't get it to do the whole thing automatically anymore, but you can get it to build a URL, open a window and sit there until you hit "enter".

Use this:
$ST_Whois_URL_start = '<a href="http://www.geektools.com/whois.php?query=';

$ST_Whois_URL_end = '" target="_blank">';

and that should do it.
There may also be another whois cgi around somewhere that let's you get the same functionality that you used to be able to get from geektools, but I don't know of one.

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TomW just announced that he is coming up with a new version. So make sure you submit your feature request. here Sam

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