Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Friday, January 17 2025 @ 06:58 am EST

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Editing \"Recent Forum Topics\" sideblock (not centerblock)


Hi. How do I edit the latest forum posts side block (not the centerblock version). Specifically, I\'d like to remove of the following texts from showing up in the block: Order By:New Views Posts Latest 5 Forum Posts Currently, it also lists the name, date, time, views, replies and I\'d like to edit them out as well. I just didn\'t know which file I have to edit. Thanks.


ok. it seems like I\'ve partly answered my question. One of the file to be added seems to be geeklog/plugins/forum/functions.inc It\'s at the very bottom of that page. I started deleting what seemed to be the corresponding lines in the code so that it looks like this: $block_header = new Template($_CONF[\'path_layout\'] . \'forum/layout\'); $block_header->set_file (array (\'block_header\'=>\'block_header.thtml\')); $block_header->set_var (\'PHP_SELF\', $PHP_SELF); $block_header->set_var (\'layout_url\', $_CONF[\'layout_url\']); $block_header->set_var (\'view_modemsg\', $view_modemsg); $block_header->parse (\'output\', \'block_header\'); $retval = $block_header->finish($block_header->get_var(\'output\')); and $block_displayline = new Template($_CONF[\'path_layout\'] . \'forum/layout\'); $block_displayline->set_file (array (\'block_displayline\'=>\'block_displayline.thtml\')); $block_displayline->set_var (\'site_url\', $_CONF[\'site_url\']); $block_displayline->set_var (\'css_id\', $onetwo); $block_displayline->set_var (\'img_dir\', $img_dir); $block_displayline->set_var (\'forum_id\', $A[\'forum\']); $block_displayline->set_var (\'topic_id\', $A[\'id\']); $block_displayline->set_var (\'topic_subject\', $A[\'subject\']); $block_displayline->set_var (\'fullsubject\', $fullsubject); $block_displayline->set_var (\'topic_id\', $A[\'id\']); $block_displayline->parse (\'output\', \'block_displayline\'); $retval .= $block_displayline->finish($block_displayline->get_var(\'output\')); That did get rid of everything I wanted removed except for \"Latest 5 Forum Posts\" which must be in a theme file somewhere. Can anyone tell me if I\'m doing this the right way?


hmm... I\'ve been playing around with this so that it only shows the number of replies after the topic title, by leaving these: $block_displayline->set_var (\'LANG_REPLIES\', $LANG_GF01[\'REPLIES\']); $block_displayline->set_var (\'replies\', $A[\'replies\']); but this results in there being a gap between the topic title and where it says \"Replies\". Anyone know how to fix this?

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Registered: 07/16/02
Posts: 1232
You will need to edit the template file as well - note the name in the line: $block_header->set_file (array (\'block_header\'=>\'block_header.thtml\'));
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Here I go answering my own question again. I figured out the rest. I just had to go to the forum layout in the theme directory and edit the following: block_displayline.thtml block_header.thtml forumstyle.css

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