Welcome to Geeklog, Anonymous Monday, October 14 2024 @ 08:12 pm EDT
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Links edit link hack
I\'m sure this is in the forums somewhere, but I didn\'t see/couldn\'t find this, so I\'ll post it here although it\'s too simple to be called a hack. It took all of 1 minute.
If you have lots of links, the admin page is not very easy to use. To add a convenient \"edit\" link to your links in the normal categories, for admins only:
In layout/theme_name/links/linkdetails.thtml, add { link_edit } before the < br > command. You should have this:
< li >
< a href=\"{link_url}\" > {link_name} < /a > ( {link_hits} ) {link_edit} < br >
< /li >
In public_html/links.php, around line 138 ish and again at about 180, add the following 3 lines just before $linklist->parse(\'link_details\', \'link\', true); (that line is included for reference):
if (SEC_hasRights(\'link.edit\')) {
$linklist->set_var(\'link_edit\', \'< a href=\"\' . $_CONF[\'site_admin_url\'] . \'/link.php?mode=edit&lid=\' . $A[\'lid\'] . \'\">\' . $LANG01[4] . \'< /a >\');
$linklist->parse(\'link_details\', \'link\', true);
-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small
-- Heather Engineering
-- No job too small
This displays the full html code string rather than just the word \'edit\' at the end of each link line.
Any ideas?
I am using GL v1.3.8
Thx, Paul
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